Vitamin D deficiency: Hi all, I hope... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Vitamin D deficiency

MissKota profile image
31 Replies

Hi all, I hope you are all staying safe and keeping well.

I recently went to the Falls and Syncope clinic and part of the process was blood tests. Apparently I am deficient in vitamin D which is no great surprise. I have to avoid the sun as much as possible as I have a skin condition shortened to DSAP caused by sun exposure.

Anyway, to get to the point. I have to have the loading dose of colecalciferol 20,000 unit twice a week for seven weeks but have no idea what happens then.

Can any of you who have gone through this give me some advice/information about it please. If only just got my head around the B12 deficiency and now this has been added to the list. Thanks in advance and anticipation. Kat x

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MissKota profile image
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31 Replies
Nackapan profile image

I had loading doses of vitamin d . I then had a blood test after 3 months

Whwn the loading dise has ended tiu need a maintenance dose daily.

I take 25ug 1000iu. Tih can take a little more than that if needed. Gos usually say 800iu .

I didnt know at the time but have since read on here taking vit k mark7 is good ti take at the same time to direct it out of arteries and to your bones .

I felt better with a higher level. How low did toye get?

MissKota profile image
MissKota in reply to Nackapan

Thanks for that information Nackapan. Annoyingly it was a hospital blood test so those test results aren’t accessible for me. I usually ask my GP but with things the way they are, who knows when I’ll actually get to speak to her to find out figures.

I’ve never been one for taking supplements and this is all new to me so your information is a great help.

Stay safe and well.


Howard39 profile image
Howard39 in reply to Nackapan

The 800 ui Gps give is too low. You’ll be back having a deficiency on that small an amount.

Sadly they only care people are just in range and have not heard about k2 mk7.

MissKota profile image
MissKota in reply to Howard39

Thanks Howard, Will I be able to get K2 Mk7 over the counter at a chemist?

Howard39 profile image
Howard39 in reply to MissKota

Hi I like NU as it’s the best I have taken. It is aprox a years supply for £18/19 . It’s on amazon and e bay. So no is the answer.

Martz is correct you need to take it with coconut oil or the fattiest meal of the day. My d3 has coconut oil in it. I changed brands 4 times before I saw an improvement and it took 2 years. Plus I am in the garden too.

Once I locate the link I’ll post it, in the meantime I’ve read several scientific reports recently stating that toxicity of vit d3 does not occur until you take over 40000 ui per day. I was trialed under supervision.

MissKota profile image
MissKota in reply to Howard39

Thanks Howard.

Stay healthy and safe


bookish profile image
bookish in reply to MissKota

I use Metabolics K2 (they are still working and have stock so you can order online if you struggle to find it elsewhere They sell D3/K2 as well but I use separate ones (so I can adapt the dosage more easily, and because I am hypersensitive to supplements and have found that Nature's Answer D3 drops suit me). I take them with some fat too. As Marz says, best with magnesium (I use Better You flakes in a footbath or their oil spray which H & B or Boots may have and you can buy direct). It is a good idea to test levels to get an idea of how much you need to keep you at an optimum level (once you've had your loading doses). Medichecks do an at home fingerprick D3 blood or some of their other general tests have D3 in them. Best wishes

MissKota profile image
MissKota in reply to bookish

Thank you, there is so much more involved in this than just taking a supplement isn’t there. I can see I need to do some reading.

Stay safe and healthy


Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Howard39

Yes you ate right

Marz profile image

Ensure you are tested at the end of your loading doses. Level around 100++ is good. There are important co-factors to take - magnesium and VitK2-MK7. VitD increases the uptake of calcium from foods and K2 directs it away from arteries and soft tissues and into bones and teeth.

VitD is fat soluble so best taken with good fats in a meal. VitD is more than a vitamin - it is a steroidal pro-hormone and anti-inflammatory - so much more than a vitamin . Low VitD is linked to many serious conditions - see link below where you will find the relevant charts.

In the first link there is information about bolus dosing v daily. It seems daily is better.

MissKota profile image
MissKota in reply to Marz

I found K2 on line which was 2 tablets a day? It said don’t take that dose if you take blood thinners.

At the risk of sounding like a hypochondriac, (I’m not, just got crappy genes) I have CAD and had a stroke a few years ago so take Clopidogrel daily. Will that affect what I can take? I’m also Type 2 diabetic and take Metformin and numerous other medications for various faults.

Thanks for taking the time to help.


Marz profile image
Marz in reply to MissKota

You really do have an awful lot to cope with and you are NOT a hypochondriac. Please do your research - in particular the difference between K1 and K2 - and go slowly and carefully.

Foggyme profile image
FoggymeAdministrator in reply to MissKota

Hi MissKota. With a history of stroke and blood thinning medications, suggest that you don't take any K vitamins before speaking to your doctor first.

Vitamins, minerals and herbs all have the potential to interact with medications and those with underlying health conditions who take medications are always advised to speak to a medical professional before taking any supplements or herbal remedies of any description.

Good luck x

MissKota profile image
MissKota in reply to Foggyme

Thanks Foggyme. I will just take the loading dose that my GP has prescribed for now and hopefully by the end of that, restrictions may have been lifted and I’ll be able to get an appointment with her.

Foggyme profile image
FoggymeAdministrator in reply to MissKota

Even with the cornavirus restrictions, GP's are supposed to be delivering primary healthcare, albeit through telephone appointments, where possible. could always ask for a telephone consultation?

As others have said, it would be usual to have levels tested after loading doses - under the current climate, your GP may accept a private test and then decide if further treatment is necessary, based on those results (private tests can be done via post - some do via a finger prick rather than blood draw). Certainly worth discussing - especially if the current co dictions are going to go on for a while - which looks likely.

Good luck...hope all goes well.

caroash profile image

Hi I had low vit D levels that first showed up 4 years ago. My levels always fall to around 32 around November,so have loading dose of 40.000 iug weekly for 7 weeks. Although I found this helped and felt a lot better,I noticed that after 3 months levels were back down to 32 again.So I take 4.000 iug daily (zipvit gel caps) and my levels doubled to 68 within 3 months,I still take 4.000 daily,but will go on to twice weekly once weather improves and get more sun exposure.You do need Vit K with a higher dose as people day to help absorption and direction too. I think it's important to try and get tested every 3 months so you can adjust your dosage.Once optimal many people find 1.000 a day is enough.

MissKota profile image
MissKota in reply to caroash

Will my GP automatically do the retests or will I have to push for them?

caroash profile image
caroash in reply to MissKota

It depends on your practice and how low your levels are,I have a good GP who knows about importance of Vit D.They should at least test you after 6 months,but if they won't do after 3 months you can get a private test through NHS and "Better you" do private tests too.Theu are both around £30-£35 I think.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to MissKota

I have to push for mine. They should do one after a loading dose though

The labs will not do them more than 3 monthly . Annoyingly my last one wasnr done as 1 day out!!

I've never got mine above 72 but I'm fine on that . It was 21 . Takes a while

MissKota profile image
MissKota in reply to Nackapan

Thanks Nackapan. Keep your fingers crossed for me then.

MissKota profile image
MissKota in reply to Nackapan

Just got the consultant letter.

My vitamin D level was 23.

He also tested cortisol which was 244 “non-diagnostic”. I’m assuming that means it’s okay.

caroash profile image
caroash in reply to MissKota

That is quite low ,I felt bad with levels of 32, I Def recommend the Zipvit 4.000iug gel caps ,I got them off Amazon , and felt so much better once my levels went up.My energy,mood and aches and pains were significantly better.

caroash profile image

Also take Vit D in morning as can affect sleep if taken at night.Take after eating food containing fat, e.g after eggs for breakfast.

MissKota profile image

I usually have porridge for breakfast made with lactose free skimmed milk which Has protein, B12 and calcium.

Is that fatty enough?

caroash profile image

I think as people have said on here a food with naturally high fat content i.e coconut oil, or nuts have high fat content toox

MissKota profile image

right, thank you.

caroash profile image

Dairy has high fat content, but not skimmed milk,oily fish,avacadoes,nuts ,seeds and coconut oil all good.

MissKota profile image
MissKota in reply to caroash

I eat plenty of fish so maybe kippers for breakfast then lol

caroash profile image
caroash in reply to MissKota

Sounds good 😊

scnuke profile image
scnuke in reply to MissKota

Kippers for breakfast?? Hard to eat, easy to smell. Yuck! Oh you Brits! I would toss my cookies, excuse me, biscuits, into my grits and eggs! LOL....😊

Ryaan profile image

After the course of 20,000iu you can take 4000iu daily to keep levels from dropping and in good range.....simple.

Doctors won’t bother giving you a maintenance dose and if they do it’s always 800iu which is too low, best to buy your own

I usually take Holland and Barrett’s 1000iu x 5 tablets daily and has worked well.

B12 deficiency usually comes with Folate, Iron and Vitamin D deficiency.

It’s good to get these levels checked.

You should take 400mcg of Folic Acid daily if you’re on B12 injections.

I’ve heard vitamin K2 should be taken with Vitamin D do prevent build up of calcium I arteries and to direct the vitamin D (I don’t know how true that is).

I personally haven’t taken any K2 and take 5000iu Vitamin D daily for a good while.

You should notice improvements in a few weeks and should be fine in about 2-3 months.

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