I was advised by a nurse on Wednesday that a decision was made by my practise in West Lothian on Tuesday all B12 can be delayed for 4 weeks, then another 4 weeks without impact as B12 is stored. I was shocked, she asked if I wanted to speak to GP, I declined and just said they were not following NICE guidelines.
By Thursday morning I was furious and decided not to let this go. I contacted NHS Scotland about B12 refusal and was advised to write to practise manager with my complaint in first instance.
I contacted practise and the manager called me back within an hour, he advised that I did not need B12 injection as my last test was very high, my blood pressure must have been through the roof. He was told my reading was high because it was NOT absorbed, B12 defiency was NOT a fad diet or lifestyle choice but an inherited deadly disease that killed my grandmother (only named as anaemia on her death certificate) also affecting my 2 brothers. Explained the WHO guidelines that B12 is essential med. He would speak to a GP and call me back.
A frustrating call with GP later advising B12 stopped to protect me!!! The surgery is too dangerous for me to attend. It took me 10 years to fully understand the impact of B12 deiciency, diagnosed 2009, moved to injections 8 weeks last August and finally felt the benefit. I have listed some of the discusiion
I have the B12 ampules, can I self inject? NO
Can someone else inject? NO
Drug addicts can get needles, can I? No
Are there walk in centres in West Lothian? No
So you are withholding my medication which will make me more vulnerable to infections. Was told I could investigate the private route or buy a B12 spray.
I called around a few people who were advertising B12 injections, they will not touch an NHS prescription. Fortunately I have private health care, they do not cover B12. I thought my head would explode with the stress.
Eventually I ordered 3 sprays from BOOTS online, it is not stocked in store.I spent a very frustrated 2 and half hours yesterday morning just trying find some direction. Once life returns to normal I will buy my own supplies and self inject, i never want to go through this again. I will also make a written complaint to my surgery about lack or support, knowledge and direction for patients. It is infuriating that my surgery has behaved this way regarding B12, I could (almost) stand up for myself but so many people will just accept what they are told which can have serious implications for their health and immune system.
The company that took over our practise 2 years ago retested all patients on B12 injections, many injections were stoppped, I recieved a call saying my reading was high, but, as B12 level was in single figures when diagnosed I could choose to continue treatement and i did, but not really understanding the impact of B12.
GP surgeries should provide clear and consistant guidelines for patients requiring B12. If a spray is the only option for the forseeable future, then prescribe it, do not leave B12 patients without support. Older patients may not have access to the internet to research and buy the spray, and many people, especially in this current crisis will not have the caxh to pay £12 for one spray.
Apologies for the length of the message, I have never written anything about B12 before or made a complaint about a doctor, it just felt important see if anyone else was going through the same