I have been struggling with b12 neurological symptoms since August. I have shared in other posts but will share again...No loading . 1 injection a month for two months then switched to 2 a month. Now my hemotologist is considering loading doses... won’t start for over a weak though.
I am trying to figure out what is normal. In some ways I feel a little better than I initially felt. In some ways I feel worse. More tired. I feel more overall shaky than when first diagnosed. My blood is monitored every 2 weeks.. complete blood count, iron and b12. Iv had a clean MRI.
I would love to know the process of people with levels in the low normal range initially to gage what is normal.
I want to be optimistic that when I finally get loading doses I will feel better. I know it is normal to feel worse before you feel better too.. wondering if that is what is happening now.
I’m trying not to get down. I would love to hear recovery stories of people who had a similar experience to me.
Forever grateful for this group!