Does anyone have any ideas why I have started getting severe headaches at night that wake me up?
Night headaches: Does anyone have any... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Night headaches

I had theses and was told migrains . Some people it will be bp.
I have light sensitivity and if I'm in too much light at the end of the day I wake in the night with a headache.
So lots if reasons.
Do get checked out by your doctor. Drink lots of water

many people who get migraines are woken up by them in the night - happens to me.
One possible trigger for migraines is low blood sugar - and the headaches in the night is a good indicator that blood sugars are a part of the process. There is also some evidence that 'cravings' traditionally associated with migraines aren't so much cravings as the body responding to changes in sugar levels and wanting sugars (not necessarily sweet but carbohydrates).
You could try looking at your diet and thinking about switching as far as possible to substances that have low glycemic indices - meaning that the sugars they contain take longer to break down which can even out blood sugar levels - or you could try having a light snack before you go to bed - or something you could nibble on in the middle of the night and see if that works.
Thank you for your advice. Lol I have had (not recently) cravings for something sweet in the wee small hours and have made a drinking chocolate (that sounds so bad lol). ? Would a fasting glucose be a worthwhile blood test? 0r am I taking it too far?
Many thanks again
fasting glucose is looking for diabetes but as far as I am aware this isn't related to diabetes.
I suggest you just try seeing if a snack just before bed helps, and having something that you can nibble on. My cravings tend to be for complex starches - bread, pasta, porridge - porridge is the best option of those because that is slow release.
The national migraine centre have done a series of podcasts on migraines that you might find interesting
Thank you for your advice, is hypothyroidism the one that is underactive? Because I have gained a lot of weight and not feeling the cold and lethargy.
Many thanks
I was in a similar situation, and trying to get a diagnosis never happened, I was originally put on propananol, this is used a preventative treatment, and initially it helped, I was getting roughly 2/3 migraines a day, but it was the ones whilst I was asleep that were the worst ones,I've always had my vision checked, so this was ruled out,there are migraines tablets that can be taken normally a triptan type medication, I've been on topiramate medication for several weeks and I'm up to the maximum dose, and thank goodness they are working, I was at my wits end, after several months of persistent migraines,so you might end up doing quite a few visits to the doctor's until they get ontop of your symptoms,and you might be sent for a scan if your symptoms persist,be prepared for a few visits, its difficult trying to get migraines sorted out instantly, the medication took around 3 weeks to work, as the dose had to be increased over a period of time,try and avoid co-codamol, and just stick to paracetamol until you see a doctor ,my sympathy is with you,I still get a very 'mild' headache occasionally but its bearable, and ive noticed that the tablets have reduced my appetite, but I feel it's a small price to pay than having skull busting headaches, best wishes.
Thank you Cb1963, for your kind words. I saw an ophthalmologist and who has referred me for an MRI with contrast, so we will see. I was prescribed topiramate something like 100mg bd by a local neurologist which worked for a while yes weight loss is one of the side effects, but then I saw a neurologist in London who changed my medication to a drug preagabilin that gps won't prescribe now because like cocodamol it is addictive. I am taking triptans, which do help sometimes. Many thanks.
Yes I'm on 100mg which is 4x25mg tablets in the morning and then 4 x25mg tablets in the evening so in total 200mg daily, so you are not up to the maximum dose, I have not lost weight really, but just have to force myself to eat,more like that they reduce your appetite,I also take pregabalin for nerve damage for a neuropathy pain,maybe ask to see if you could increase the dose of the topiramate,but like I said it took 3 weeks to get on top of the migraines, and I was a sufferer for nearly six months,I have had other life threatening conditions, but these migraines had taken me to dark places, and its a lonely place, crying with pain in the early hours of the morning on your own, so I totally understand your concerns I hope everything gets sorted out for you very soon, good luck, best wishes once again, at least you know that you're on a similar medication, and that you have a fellow sufferer who is pain free, and I hope you get the same results. Ttfn.
Have you looked into cluster headaches? They can occur at regular times. Often through the night and are evil.
Have you checked your blood pressure when lying down as blood flow increases to your head when you lie down it may make headaches if it is high.
My understanding of migraines is that they tend to happen when the brain is not getting enough energy, so you can decrease the energy demands of the brain by not overdoing, resting and trying to avoid or manage stress. You can also try to make sure the brain has all it need to work it’s best, a steady supply of glucose and vitamins (eating whole food vegetables rich diet with healthy fats and protein), hydration, and the things your mitochondria need to make energy, magnesium, riboflavin, coQ10 et al. Adequate sleep, exercise and time outside in nature are all beneficial for the brain. I’m glad you are getting an MRI as headaches that develop after you have been lying down can be a symptom of increased intracranial pressure which can be a sign of some structural problem such as a mass/tumor. While unlikely, it’s best to get it ruled out.
Hi Aksundrell, I am a vegetarian, so maybe I would benefit from a multi vitamin, as I also suffer with a problem with bile Acid malabsorption. Thank you for your advice.
Have you looked at hpnic headache/alarm clock headaches. I am in the same boat and been suffering for years but are ksemi under control with an espresso before bed as they prescribe caffeine or lithium. Worked for me.
Lol you could be right about the caffeine!! I am being treated by a urologist and I am not allowed so many different drinks, including caffeine, I'm on the decaffeinated tea and coffee, I said to my husband today that I needed caffeine, to stop me feeling so tired! Thank you for your advice