I'm quite fortunate to still be receiving my B12 injection, however I'm suffering with headache issues that has resurfaced after a couple of years being free from them,I'm already on a long term medication for them, but its now into a 8th week of constant headaches, but always at night while I'm asleep, I had my bloods taken and had folic acid tablets prescribed, I'm wondering how many people have these tablets prescribed if they are B12 deficiency and why they are prescribed? And will they help with my headaches, I have little feed back from the doctors, its just so matter of fact from the receptionist, and the headaches have been absolutely awful, along with the neuropathy I feel like I have a double edge sword too deal with,and finally is 2 months worth of folic acid tablets enough to get me back to 'normal' and would i need another blood test once the course of tablets is finished to see if my bloods are back within range, many thanks in advance.
Long term headaches : I'm quite... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Long term headaches

The folic acid you have been given implies that your blood tests showed you were folate deficient.If you have PA then that often affects the absorption of other vitamins and minerals. Folate and iron are the most commonly affected.
The symptoms of folate deficiency and B12 deficiency have a huge overlap as many of the key processes that go on in your cells need both B12 and folate to run efficiently, so it is possible that the folate is involved in the headaches, particularly if this is an old symptom that is resurfacing.
Do you have a diagnosis of migraines - these often happen in the night and can be the result of sensitivity to changes in blood sugar levels, which can drop slightly during the night.
You might find it useful to look at some of the 'heads up podcasts' produced by the national migraine centre.
Thanks you for your reply,I've never been informed or told whether I have PA or not, but obviously I require the injections, but I'm on a 3 monthly cycle, but my body is crying out for a 2 monthly cycle as I end up getting palpitations and various muscle spasms weeks before my injection is due, but my doctor won't budge on this, and i can't understand why,I feel sometimes like I'm going to have a heart attack with the amount of palpitations I have, I feel really sorry for those who have been told that they are being told to take tablets instead of the injections because of the covid situation, the damage being caused is invisible, and irreversible, and then end up with even more health problems, it just doesn't make any sense, and of course extremely worrying for the person then trying to sort out a health problem that shouldn't even have to be chased up, the logic behind this is doesn't make any sense, sorry for the moan,and thanks for reply.
I ve just had b12 injection. 5 hours ago, and now have headache.
It's possible my blood pressure gone down, as happened before, told to drink more.
Just drank glass of water and fine now.
Maybe just a coincidence , but will have to drink
A bit more after injections for now.
Do you have a carbon monoxide alarm in your house? Just a thought.
Yes,and I get my boiler serviced every year,thanks for your input, a worthwhile shout up though, cheers.
I have had ongoing head pain. Initially migraines ad went in fie days. It was never decided what sort. Vestibular migraine suggested . I think a mix.
I have daily head pains stilmbit if s different sort.
I believe I have visual vertigo or Occipital neuralgia or ongoing chronic tension headaches seemi fly one of tgeses things or a combination going on ear little and often tk kero blood sugars steady.
Drink alot of water snd juice.
Only just started ti gave a very weak coffee once a day. Do drunk tea
I had to prove it eadnf paracetamol over uses. Rebound headaches as one neurologist suggested.
This however csn happen.
Amitriptyline was tried to reduce them in severity. Dudnt work for me.
Getting my vitamin d kevejd up dud help.
I had loafing doses as only 21 and even with daily vif d 25ug is maintained around 60
In bad episodes breathing techniques worked a bit essential oils in s hankie.
I was on alot if painkillers but alternated.
I have tk avoid artificial lights.
Busy overwhelming environments.
It can n bd a sign if high blood pressure.
Hormonal imbalances or too many supplements.
A fine balancing act.
Ivd s bad headache today . However no nausea ?? Somehow with me a headaches means I have better balaance .
Have you a vestibular disturbance??
Ive also got a very sensitive scalp I'm told are nerves up with the constant head pains coming from my spine/ neck. Nuchal muscles contracting all of the time.
I've found neck stretching exercises xsn help.
Have to be careful as an enthusiastic pyso gave me a terrible headach/ migraine.
To conclude; what are you taking?
Watch gor rebound headachesgoid iron and folate and vit d levels.
Long chain catbs
Lots if water
Get bp checked.
Regular b12 !!
Try a different position ti sleep
Hope yih get relief soon.
I empathise
Not sure what vestibular disturbance is??? My medication for the headaches are topiramate,naratriptan, and now taking co dydramol as a painkiller along with propananol to see if my blood pressure is raised, but that was normal, its been an absolute brutal journey, and I'm now awaiting a scan,I'm never free from a headache, hopefully this can narrow down the causes, and I'm due to see a neurologist, so its got the wheels in motion as of today to see specialist in this field and perhaps they can get me a little closer towards some sort of relief, thank you for your reply .
Yrs I hope so. I was offered propranolol but didn't have it ad my 'normal bp is on the low side. Sumatriptan hrt ? And antidepressant also offered.
A brain mri was done.
Vestibular is to do with balance walking vertigo ect.
Yrs i saw neurologists. They ruled out alot of stuff.
I wax informed there are more than 45 different kinds of headaches.
Wow,thats a massive amount of different types of headaches to list, maybe they can find my type and put mine into one those brackets at least i know I'm going to get a diagnosis, (hopefully) and then I can get a treatment plan,its all finger's crossed over the coming weeks, thanks again for your information.
So glad you're going to see neurologist, there's nothing worse than having persistent pain to drag you down.

Well,its just trying to find out whats causing them, and obviously get a different medication that actually works rather than the doctor just keep throwing tablets at me,its been a difficult few months, and hopefully I can be headache free,thanks for your reply.