Hello, I am new here. English is not my native language, so please excuse any mistakes... I have been vegetarian since 2013 and long period I had excellent health until a lot of symptoms started in January this year. I have been to many doctors and everybody said that everything looks fine even the following: b12 221 (142-725), homocysteine 12.2 (<15), D 55,4 (>50), hemoglobin 177 (120-180).
I had next symptoms: spasm in chest (at first I think something is wrong with my heart), smaller spasms in other muscles, formication all over my body (on the tonque also), fasciculations all over, pins and needles all over, pulsatile tinnitus, dry skin, mood changes, heart palpitations, electric shock sensations, problem with ED, constipation, problems with sleeping (short sleeping and do not feel refreshed in morning) and many others. I think palpitations and tinitus hapenned after injection, and many symptoms later disappeared or reduced significantly, but still for me is terrible only one symptom which I will describe,
I started hydroxocobalamin injections (OHB12 2500 mcg). A couple of hours after 4th injections I felt something like short "explosion" (painless) in my thights. Next days I touched thights with fingers and noticed that the tissue between upper layer of skin and muscles is cracked. I stoped injections for 15 days and check b12 in laboratory, this time it was >1476, above the limit which instrument can measure. However, I started injections again because the some of symptoms did not improve, and couple of hours after 5th injections again the same feeling but now above the bladder (connective tissue between skin and muscles is cracked or splitted and looks like grid).
That is the worst symptom and I think maybe can not be improved. Now I have cracked and damaged layer under upper layer of skin all over my body, and visible pulsations of arteries on head, arms, neck, legs, stomach because layer where they lie is wasting...
I did not find anything abouth this symptom on Internet, unlike others that have a clear correlation with vitamin b12. Many symptoms disappeared but this one not (superficial tissue wasting). Can this be side effect of OHB12 injections, or maybe that is consequence of b12 deficiency??? Last week I had pain (neurogical, like burning) in tonque and in lower lips and after two injections pain dissapeared. Fasciculations start again these days and I am not sure should I receive injections again (I also tried b12 pills before and did not notice improvement after supplementation). I would be grateful if anybody can help or give any information.