After several weeks of peculiar symptoms: numbness and tingling in arms and legs, weakness and pain I asked for a blood test at my GP surgery.
According to this test I fall within the normal range for B12, although I know that as this was a serum test, the results are not always trustworthy when it comes to diagnosing a deficiency.
I am having a head MRI in a few days, which I am terrified about. I have pretty much convinced myself I have MS.
My question is, what do I do now? Do I push for a further blood test that measures at a cell level? Or do I start taking high dosage oral B12 to see if this makes a difference? I'm pretty sure my GP won't offer injections as the level on this test is not considered low.
I am just very worried that if I don't take swift action I may end up suffering permanent nerve damage (obviously a diagnosis of MS would be a different story entirely)
I suffered terrible damage to my peroneal nerve during the birth of my son 6 years ago that resulted in foot drop and learning to walk again properly with a newborn. It was a terrifying time that I don't want to repeat and as I have recently been made a single parent, my anxieties surrounding my health are truly off the scale right now.
I would be so grateful for any advice regarding interpretation of my blood results and what my next steps should be.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read.