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Pain relief...

Nikki_55 profile image
26 Replies


I have been taken off my NSAIDS for four weeks because of some blood test results. I cant take codeine based painkillers so am just taking paracetamol. Can anyone suggest any others that i could try...

Thanks for reading.. xxx

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Nikki_55 profile image
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26 Replies
Nackapan profile image

I'm having the same sort of difficulty . Wish I could do without. I would discuss the alternatives with your Gp. It depends on what sort of pain. Some alternatives work for me like aromatherapy oils. Pysio. Exercises . Distraction techniques. Breathing exercises. Sometimes I know you just need pain killers

Nikki_55 profile image
Nikki_55 in reply toNackapan

Thank you for your reply. I was told that epsom salts are quite good for pain and i do use Arnica which is great but not enough xx

fbirder profile image

Why were you on NSAIDs?

Nikki_55 profile image
Nikki_55 in reply tofbirder

Hi Fbirder.. Thanks for your reply. I was originally on them for back pain on an as and when needed basis. But over the last 6 months ish I have been having pains in my joints so i have been taking them twice a day... xx

Gambit62 profile image

suggest you speak to a pharmacist - let them know the details of your medical history and they should be able to advise you on what might be appropriate by way of over the counter medications, if any, or possible prescription medications that you could ask your GP about.

Nikki_55 profile image
Nikki_55 in reply toGambit62

Thank you for your reply Gambit. I will give that a go xx

LuluCops profile image

I guess it depends on why you were on NSAID’s for in the first place lovely? And of course, what it was in your blood work that prompted your GP to stop them?? There are alternatives to them other than codeine that your GP or pharmacist can help you with if this is information you don’t feel you can share with us.

Nikki_55 profile image

Hi Lulu. Thanks for your reply. My kidney tests are the reason for me stopping them. The tests are showing inflammation that we are not sure if it is my sarcoid or something else. I am also having a scan to check my liver.. Probably to much info for you now 😁 xx

LuluCops profile image
LuluCops in reply toNikki_55

No not at all, the more info the better sometimes as it helps the bigger picture if you know what I mean!

If it’s a kidney issue then I’m surprised they offered you a codeine alternative? How long were you on the NSAIDs before they were stopped?

Is the sarcoidosis the reason for them in the first place?? Sorry if it’s too many questions- again! x

Nikki_55 profile image
Nikki_55 in reply toLuluCops

I was on them for about 10 years Lulu, on and off..for back pain. I don't think my doc looks over my notes as they are quite complicated! They tend to look and say "oh it's the sarcoid, talk to your consultant" and some of it could be, but at the end of the day I still need things investigated just incase it isn't. I have just turned 50 and house bound at the minute.

LuluCops profile image
LuluCops in reply toNikki_55

I know the feeling of everything being put down to an existing condition! I have Fibro and it took me years to get diagnosed as having hypothyroidism and took me getting extremely ill before being diagnosed with Addisons and now I’ve had to fight to get diagnosed with B12d all because I have Fibro and it has always been used as an excuse- it’s an easy out for them, I swear!!

I suffer with spinal problems too, degenerative disc disease, two impinged nerves and osteoarthritis in my spine, pelvis and knees!! I’m only 39 but I feel like I’m 99!! Had Fibro for 21years at least and recently, after finding this forum, the thyroid forum (which led me here and who also taught me to take charge of my own health more) and lots of researching, I’m wondering if the thyroid issues (I have Hypothyroidism or more probable Hashimotos) and the B12 have been there all along and it’s not Fibro at all!!😡🤷🏻‍♀️

Sorry I digress!!

If it’s at all possible, can you try maybe tramadol or similar? Has your GP offered you anything other than codeine? I don’t know how bad your back pain is, if going on mine is anything to judge it by, maybe a small dose of morphine MST or oramorph may help? I know some people don’t like taking them and I don’t mean to offend by suggesting them, they did help me, but I am coming off them slowly now. xx

Nikki_55 profile image
Nikki_55 in reply toLuluCops

Hey Lulu. Sorry you are not great too. Have a read of the reply sent by LynneG that she has just sent to me. She has some great info in there thats worth a read xx

Hanneke12 profile image

So getting to the root with physical therapy and posture exercises and yin yoga (make sure it's yin) can manage back pain way better than symptom management with pain killers.

That said, if you can find it where you are located: topical (rub-on) CBD oil (esp. with THC) is an excellent alternative painkiller. In the US it's increasingly available and I was amazed by how well it worked (and: no ingestion means no altered mental state - I was worried about that a lot). Maybe that can help. The one with THC is hard to find in Europe, though.

Nikki_55 profile image
Nikki_55 in reply toHanneke12

Hi Hanneke. Thanks for your reply. I have seen this before but not looked into it but will have a read up xx

LynneG profile image

Hi 49going on 99, I am sure that you know the negative effects of continually taking painkillers and sounds as though as you say this may have inflamed your kidneys. You don't notice symptoms until the damage is bad enough to show up so damage may have been occurring elsewhere also- we are all one body and the chemical in the medication doesn't just affect it's intended target but travels through all the body's pathways affecting everything. Not least of all the gut microbiome. Pain killers along with most prescribed meds will kill off the micro organisms on which we are dependant for life and so unbalance the microbiome and create intestinal permeability (leaky gut) which leads to chronic ill health and more than likely has lead to the painful joint symptoms you have now. It's all a viscious cycle. Paracetamol is one of the deadliest drugs out there - it kills the liver. Your Liver and kidneys are the organs that get rid of or try to get rid of what the body sees as poisonous to its well being, so all everything is sent to the liver and kidneys for elimination through bowels and urine. Drink lots of water to enable this to happen and make sure you are not constipated and empty your bowels comfortably at least once per day or more or you will reabsorb the toxicity that the body has put so much energy into eliminating. This is why medications are required often to be taken several times per day as the liver gets rid of them - there's a story in itself! We are lucky though, we rebuild our bodies with new cells , we kill off billions of cells a day and replace them with billions of new cells. But just like a builder given shoddy building materials = he's gonna build a rubbish house so we have to ensure that we build our new cells with the best materials = the nutrients that we provide in food and to help this process we take in as little rubbish as possible. You may have already looked to your diet and nutrients to help function and so get rid of pain, but having had rheumatoid arthritis for 24 yrs and no meds and no painkillers, I can tell you there is always something we can learn and so support ourselves further. I first started to learn by listening to Chris Kresser podcasts (and book) Try fasting for a day/couple of days - just drinking water and see if the pain in your joints is less, Fasting is good for you , built in to our evolutionary programming (food wasn't always available) it helps reset your metabolism. Look at what food may be triggering inflammation. Gluten damages the intestinal lining in everyone, but the cells repair really quickly, but if other things are going on like taking meds that unbalances the intestinal microbiome balance or eating a diet that feeds the bad organisms over the beneficial then the gut lining is going to be permenantly leaky and eating gluten is not going to help. When the gut lining is leaky (ladder in a pair of tights) larger proteins get through that shouldn't and initiate the immune system and so inflammation of any organ, tissue and usually the brain, inflammation creates pain. Read the book by cardiologist Dr William Davis, 'Wheat Belly' he explains this very well and is easy to read you could get a secondhand copy for a few pence on amazon. So look at diet. Back pain could be inflammation of an organ like the liver or joints in the spine etc - did you ever have a scan to identify a cause? Seeing a chiropractor really helps - often making 'adjustments' to the spinal support. Chiropractors study the body as a whole and the nervous system. the nervous system cannot transmit messages effectively if the skeleton is compromised /bearing the weight correctly. My friend fractured 2 vertebrae and the chiro has worked wonders, no pain killersoccasionally her back does go as she callit and she immediately gets an appointment with her chiropractor again. See you tube chiropractor presentations Dr John Bergman - he is so funny , if I want cheering up I watch a vdeo of his. Explains everything you need to know about the skeleton, nervous system, nutrition etc. Just google Dr John Bergman and kidney or arthritis etc. And sorry such a long post, google green med info, to access articles to help with pain/natural pain relievers everything referred to is referenced in studies and research. I take serrapeptase every day to help with inflammation and de gumming the blood. I buy from Advanced Supplements UK - ring the owner Josephine and have a chat on the phone , she is lovely and will advise you - with no pressure. Hope this helps x

Nikki_55 profile image
Nikki_55 in reply toLynneG

Hey LynneG. Thank you for this reply. You have a lot of great info in there.. ( that will take me a while and then some to digest) Not taking as many pain meds would be really good for me. I have skipped them in the past and can cope with less, just need the right sort of thing to subsitute. I am open to most things xx

LynneG profile image
LynneG in reply toNikki_55

Hi 49going on 99, breathing problems as well. I now understand your profile title. Its negative!! change it round or 49 and getting better! There is so much info and research about how we think affects how our body functions - seriously. If we think negatively quite a bit eg ooh this hurts. The brain reacts and neuronal pathways are built in the brain that support that message and the more you think it the stronger the pathway and the more this recognition of your pain will be felt. Eg in bad traffic in the rushhour, crap drivers, this is horrendous = perception of negative experience and the brain responds to the negative experience and so driving in the rush hour will be seen perpetually as a negative experience. I hope I explained that well enough. Other scientists even say I am told that don't even have a mindset of I am going to get better! Because that is telling yourself that there is something to get better from and so consequently you are ill. What we need to be doing is be mentally talking to our mitochondria (hundreds and thousands in most cells, 1st form of life - they produce ATP (energy) they are our life force. Heart, brain cells have thousands of mitochondria because of the energy requirement of the heart say, whereas other cells have less ) So yes tell your mitochondria that they are doing a fine job, how well I feel, I think some of you need to commit apoptosis Cell death) as I want some fresh new mitochondria functioning, come on , get on with it. How good I feel on such a lovely sunny day, fabulous you cells are enjoying the sun and making me lots of vitamin D. You get my drift. There is always something to feel positive about. Tell your functioning cells how great they are. Also talk to your microorganisms in your microbiome (we have lots of microbiomes , gut , brain, liver, skin etc (think about what you are putting on your skin and dont ! if it is going to kill bacteria - the beneficial bacteris on your skin keep the bad guys down in number/in check - use antibacterial soap and deodourants , shampoos with loads of crap ingredients and you are asking for everything you get.) Your gut microbiome is called the second or even the 1st brain by relevant scientists and for a good reason. Did you know that your happy , feel good neurotransmitter serotonin is mainly made in the gut not in your brain. Your gut bacteria therefore need to have the right balance, if you mess them up by eating food that doesn't support them then they will die off leaving the bad bacteria to reproduce and take over and then you are really in a mess and health problems start. So talk to your gut micro organisms and tell them what a good job they are doing - look here I am feeding you some organic blueberries/ celery / kale/ grass fed meat/ butter from grass fed herds/ coconut oil etc etc we are doung a good job aren't we :) Keep on flourishing. It's not woo woo , it's science. Did you know that if you smile then your brain thinks that you are happy (a good thing) even when it is a false smile and you feel rubbish or hate everyone. I think Espeegee is talking of Saunas, they are really good for you if they make you sweat as your skin is your largest detox organ and you will sweat out toxins. You could join a gym with a pool/as usually then have a dry sauna and you just build up the time you can stay in - 30 secs, then 60 etc your body can get used to it. Obviously don't go in there saying to yourself you can't breathe or you won't be able to. You can always open the door and walk out. You don't get that hot in 30 secs. I have a near infra red lamp + infra red. it is full body length, props against a wall and is about 6-8" wide. Totally different to what espeegee is talking of. Infra red releases heat near infra red doesn't. so if you stand infront of it you will feel a sligh warmth eventually. You only use for 5 mins. I use 5 mins front then 5 mins back. It is expensive at £720 smaller ones much cheaper but trust me, get everyone to club together for Christmas the larger is far more useful. It just so happens that science has proved that your mitochondria feed on light - who knew it ! so your mitochondria that you depend on for your life and energy relish this light, grow stronger, reproduce, produce more energy. They use in very posh Swiss Health clinics. For instance , for pain relief ! For improving the health of your organs/ brain etc. google redlightman (UK) company read his info tabs on his website and blog for loads of info re health conditions and the purpose of using. There is a you tube video of Dave Asprey interviewing the scientists who created the JOOV (same nrinfra red / red light) quite enlightening also. Only eat organic (waitrose sell organic turmeric powderin a box) or but organic turmeric root, chop a little off and pour boiling water on and voila you have turmeric tea. Also Fushi sell organic turmeric tincture bottle with ml dropper , squirt a ml or 2 in hot water and drink (far better than taking tablets containing and organic. For breathing you may have an infection in your lung bronchioles. buy a bottle of wild oregano oil (nature supplies £9.99) breathe in from the bottle (it is a natural anti inflammatory, anti fungal, anti viral and anti bacterial) plants create such chemicals - they can't run away and so these chemicals are their defence mechanisms which we can take advantage of. Many cases of asthma are caused by fungal infection not that doctors know this. Book : The cure is in the cupboard explains uses of oregano oil and cause of many health complaints. I think Olive leaf still sell, My new copy was £5. Just to add, yesterday I went for a walk with a friend, we got lost and ended up walking 9 miles. I could feel my thigh muscles protesting. But yesterday evening the base of my spine started to really hurt. Severe pain. I went to bed at 10.30pm and at 1am still awake with the pain. I didn't want to get up but I knew I would have to or not rest unless had tried. I used the red light for 5 mins on my back and 5 on my front. The pain by the time I got to the bedroom had stopped. Rather than severe cutting pain there was a dull ache that could be ignored. I slept in till 9.30am. And obviously used the lamp again as I got out of bed. Just a dull ache now when I sit - which is parr for the course with the base of the spine, it will heal quickly. Many top athletes use to speed recovery from over training - long post again - chuckle x

LynneG profile image
LynneG in reply toNikki_55

49 going on 99

A Green Med Info Ebook : Natures Pharmacy. May be helpful for natural painkillers. If it will load, otherwise google

Nikki_55 profile image

Thank you for your reply Espeegee. I have breathing issues so the heat is not good for me and i am also not getting out atm xx

mbernhardt profile image

I was surprised how much pain relief I got from arthritis strength Tylenol for my arthritis. Also, turmeric is good for inflammation, as well as vitamin D3.

Nikki_55 profile image
Nikki_55 in reply tombernhardt

Hey mbernhardt. I have looked a little into turmeric, and seems an option and i do take D3 supps xx

Nikki_55 profile image

Thanks for the link Espeegee, i will have a look xx

mbernhardt profile image

You want to take at least 5000 IU of D3 every day. I have been on turmeric for several years now.

Nikki_55 profile image
Nikki_55 in reply tombernhardt

I will have a look at the dose i usually take xx

MoKayD profile image

I agree with taking turmeric for pain. I don't know if it helps with back pain, but it took away my menstrual cramps pain. Can you use one of those aspirin creams? My mother-in-law has gotten relief from her rheumatoid arthritis pain with things like Aspercreme.

Nikki_55 profile image

Hey MoKayD Thanks for reply. Not heard of Aspercreme.. will have a look xx

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