Again, been posting on this site for about a month. B12 was 159. Vegan for 10 years. Issues with digestion, leg weakness, anemia, and depression.
I've been heavily supplementing for about 5+ weeks now with b12 injections and oral supplementation. I did 1 shot every other day for the first 3 weeks and am now on 2-3 per week. Still experiencing some symptoms like leg weakness and tingling in the feet (which I never had before this).
Now for the strange part. On 5/22, i took a CBC blood test and my results came back almost normal for my anemia. I took a CBC blood test yesterday and they have gotten worse on the anemia front. I'll post pics below. I'm still heavily supplementing b12 so how can this happen? All other cofactors have come back normal. I'm ordered a full vitamin panel just to be sure and should have those results back in a couple of days and will be sure to post here but every other time my folate, iron, ferritin and everything else has been within the normal range. What could be going wrong? Could this explain the leg weakness?