Depression Vs Vitamin Deficiency - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Depression Vs Vitamin Deficiency

Cubies profile image
12 Replies

I used to wake up feeling extremely fatigued, no amount of sleep would give me any energy, I would feel as tired waking up as I did falling asleep. Until one day while eating a block of cheese, after an hour of laying on the couch I suddenly felt this surge of energy rush through my body. I stood up in amaze and then I could feel the energy moving from the soles of my feet up to my shoulders. It felt amazing I started dancing in excitement but it didn't last long (around 1 to 2 minutes). I told my doctor and she sent me off for blood tests. Turns out my B12 was really low. I spent three months taking high dosages of B12 supplments. Afterwards I kept going for more and more blood test but then the battle started... my doctor was adamant that I was depressed and wanted to prescribe me anti-depressents which I refused to take. There was a lot of back and forth between us over several months. Then eventually I moved out of my old environment into a place of my own to leave my problems behind. The first doctor I was I listed of as many symptoms as possible until I could no longer remember any of them (I only get 15 min slot for each appointment) and he said "majority of those symtoms sounds like a vitamin deficeny." which made me happy to hear. I only saw that doctor once and now I have a new doctor and I did the same thing again, explain in great detail what I was experiencing on a daily basis, then he told me it could be depression. I Googled the symptoms for despressed, and yes it does cause fatigue I don't feel depressed. I take enjoyment in activies I am capable of doing, my labido is normal, I'm just always tired so engaging and keeping up with my hobbies is difficult.

Certain foods such as bananas, tomatos, and fish sticks give me a boost of natural enegy over my original energy. Carbohydrates make me feel fatigued.

I'm now on my fourth course of CBT to cope with my symptoms.

How do I explain to my doctor that I'm not depressed? I've got a blood test on the 12/03 and I'm worried it will come back normal. (Sorry for the long post.)

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Cubies profile image
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12 Replies
Nackapan profile image

I was asked the same question today by a gp who wanted to prescribe antidepressants. I replied when I get an hour of relative normality I'm almost over excited just like you explained. I also said my mind is bright but my body unwilling. I've discovered alot of symptoms mimic symptoms of depression. Of course it's interlinked and if you poorly your mood is flat. That is normal. If cards make you fatigued perhaps try gluten free or dother fod map to discover if anything is affecting you. ? Why have you stopped b12? Do you know what your levels are yet if you've had a long time off b12. Can you absorb B12?

Cubies profile image
Cubies in reply to Nackapan

I'll address what you've just written but I am curious to ask. Does drinking large quantities of water help aid your symptoms? Such as drinking 500ml to 1000ml of water make you feel more at ease and help stabalise energy levels? I'm not sure if the water is acting like a detox or if the cold is bringing my temprature down.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Cubies

I have actually been drinking alot of water since I've been ill. I think I am worse if I have too much tea so do have fruit juice with meals . Also which is odd for me a glass of cold milk now in the evening. I miss the odd glass of wine but haven't had any at all in 5 months . Hope to get back to that treat when I feel I can.

Cubies profile image
Cubies in reply to Nackapan

I've stopped taking B12 supplements because my levels came back normal. I feel like I've got a lot of energy and sometimes I do tests whereby I'll eat a particular type of food in the morning and check my levels an hour later. I'm never sure if the slight energy boost I get is because I am recovering from vitamin defiencies or if it's a normal reaction anyone would have. I've been ill for so long I've started forgetting what feeling normal is like.

Ritchie1268 profile image

Hi Cubies.

I went through years of dr's trying me on different antidepressants but non did anything at all for me. I put it all down to withdrawals but mainly damage from side effects of taking a drug my then Dr put me on for my back problem over the years. Due to that drug for my back & the problems it caused me, I then refused to take any more antidepressants or pain relief again. Until my Dr gave me a full blood count as I kept saying it isn't depression, though symptoms said it was.

Bloods came back with Macrocytic Anemia, B12 at 124, Folate deficiency & PA.

Since starting loading injections last year & now self injecting B12 every other day, I feel the best I've felt in very many years. Some of my symptoms are still there but not as bad & are easing but, mood wise & motivation wise, most days now, I feel how you did after eating that block of cheese 😉

Good luck & I really do hope you get sorted! 👍

Cubies profile image
Cubies in reply to Ritchie1268

Do you become heavily fatigued during digestion?

Ritchie1268 profile image
Ritchie1268 in reply to Cubies

After I've eaten, even just a small meal yes, I tend to. Also feel really bloated & wish I hadn't eaten so much, even when I know I haven't eaten that much. I'm not sure though if that's just me or if it's at all connected to PA etc.

Cubies profile image
Cubies in reply to Ritchie1268

I'm asking because a couple of months ago I would eat something and then become extremely drowsy afterwards, wanting to lay down, close my eyes and eventually fall asleep. I've managed to stop falling asleep but I still feel fatigued while digesting and then my energy levels rise up again.

Ritchie1268 profile image
Ritchie1268 in reply to Cubies

I remember I used to be absolutely terrible & just like what you're describing. I would go to meetings around 10.a.m & really fight to stay awake, the same after dinner between 1 - 4.p.m.

I'd get home after work & would always fall asleep.

When I was diagnosed with the central sleep apnoea I put it all down to that.

But as I said before, since being diagnosed now with PA etc, my sleep apnoea has almost vanished so I'm convinced there is a link.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Ritchie1268

I'm weaning myself off 10mg amitriptyline now on 5mg. Like you keep being bombarded with antidepressants. I succumbed as supposed to keep migrains away. I suppose did something . Have to believe that as felt so flat and drugged on trial. Feeling absolutely weak and drained. Head still buzzing dragging g myself about. Headaches from he'll on Saturday when dropped dose . I hope the withdrawal and not what it was holding off. Well I had to trial it as stuck. 2 neurologists 2 gps thought it would help. Like you I'm not depressed just fed up as virtually housebound again. Hopefully when this drug out of my system the B12 injections jections I'm having weekly will pickeep me up.just at a loss how to get going in the right direction. I eat well and frequently asked like you and cuties say digestion can knock you out for a while. Glad you have improved so much

Ritchie1268 profile image
Ritchie1268 in reply to Nackapan

Hi Nackapan & thank you!

It is always a struggle to wean off certain medications that we are all led to believe will actually help us, which some do at first, but long term who knows what they're actually doing to us!

I know what you mean, as at the time you just feel so totally helpless, frustrated & just want to feel your old self again, all interest in anything I used to love vanished. You just want some quality of life back that seems to have been lost.

Now I've been off any medication at all for around 3 years, apart from now regular B12 injections & Folic acid tablets since April last year, I'm not there yet but almost back to my old self again.

Thank you again & I really hope you start to feel better soon.

All the best.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Ritchie1268

Thank you and your too.

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