Hi everyone
Its been a while since I last wrote. So after long fight and many check ups as well as consult with haematologist I have been diagnosed with PA and began my injections. However recently I was feeling very bad (I have suspected hashimoto) so I went for a check up and my results didn't surprise me tsh is elevated, what surprised me is iron deficiency and low haemoglobin. I started supplementation.
What concerns me is that gp is blaming my diet even after PA diagnosis and says none of it is related (b12 iron and thyroid) is that really not related? Is it really my diet? I would like to point I love meat I love eggs I love all this stuff and that's what I eat... First time my thyroid acted up PA popped out, now my thyroid is acting up and my iron popped out.
Please share your experience with me.
Thanks a lot