Is there a link between b12 deficienc... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Is there a link between b12 deficiency and Fibromyalgia?

Jessie8 profile image
11 Replies

Hi all,

Does anyone know if b12 deficiency can lead to Fibromalgia symptoms?

I only ask as I have been getting pains in the most of the areas linked to fibromalgia since being really poorly with low b12 (my levels were 84)

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Jessie8 profile image
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11 Replies
Nackapan profile image

I know it can make it worse. Dont know about cause though. I've not got fibromyalgia but know someone that has and since they detected low b12 of 82 in hospital last year. Her pain has improved on B12 injections. She has them every 3 Months.

I hope the B12 will help with your symptoms too.

Jessie8 profile image
Jessie8 in reply to Nackapan

Thanks Nackapan!

I am having my injections every 2 weeks until I notice a difference and will then be going to monthly.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Jessie8

Hope it goes well

pvanderaa profile image

Unfortunately B12D nerve damage has been misdiagnosed for quite a while. It is the forgotten disease since the 1940s.

Fibromyalgia is one.

From my experience, and I’ve not been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, is that Nerve repair from B12 injections can also cause an increase in pain due to the stronger signals going to the brain. Gentle range of motion exercises can convince the brain that this pain is an illusion and the brain recalibrates. Typically in 3 days. If you stress out, it takes longer and seems worse.

Convincing yourself that increased pain after an injection is just an illusion, which is hard to do, shortens this time.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to pvanderaa

Yes I agree

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to pvanderaa

With fibromyalgia the pain is so severe at times in a flare up that it does take over even with that process you describe. Cbt or techniques learnt in a pain clinic can help. I've not personally had experience of either but have witnessed some good results.

fbirder profile image

A lot of people with a B12 deficiency get misdiagnosed with CFS/Fibro.

Some studies on people with CFS/Fibro have shown that B12 treatment can help - . There are doubts as to why. It may scavenge nitrous oxide - or it might lower homocysteine -

shaws profile image

As well as making sure your B12 is at an optimum level, I would also suggest you get a Full Blood Test for thyroid hormones, i.e. TSH, T4, T3, Free T4, Free T3 and thyroid antibodies. If in the UK few surgeries will only test TSH and T4 which isn't sufficient.

A Full Blood Test should be at the earliest possible, fasting (you can drink water) and if you were already diagnosed,you'd allow a gap of 24 hour between last dose of levothyroxine and the test and take it afterwards.

A Scientist/Researcher stated that both Fibro, ME and CFS were due to low T3 in our blood. T3 is the Active Thyroid Hormone and we have millions of T3 receptor cells in our body, all of which need T3 the Active Thyroid Hormone and if ours is too low we get symptoms. This is a link from an interview and an excerpt:-

"Dr. Lowe explains:

“I had prior training as a research psychologist and was able to pull forth that training and enlist physicians on the research team. It was a loose net research team until it eventually became a non-profit organization called the Fibromyalgia Research Foundation.

Seven or eight years ago, I gave a presentation at the Fibromyalgia Coalition International based in Kansas City… I got there late and heard none of the other presentations.

When I gave my presentation, people began saying, “Dr. Lowe, you’ve used the word “integrative metabolic therapies” for getting patients free from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. It just so happens, every single one of the -- at that point, considered alternative doctors -- have said exactly the same things.”

youngatheart123 profile image

Hi Jessie8,

I hope the B12 injections help with your fibromyalgia... I would be interested to hear on how this evolves for you as one of my closest friends has fibromyalgia. I would be happy to share my B12 supply with her if it will help her symptoms in any way :)

Jessie8 profile image
Jessie8 in reply to youngatheart123

Hi youngatheart123,

So I haven’t been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia however do suffer with symptoms that look similar. I am having b12 injections every 2 weeks now and have just really started with that so will let you know if there is a noticeable difference.

jacwright profile image

Hi Jesse have been suffering with fibromyalgia for 7-8 years.. some docs have said its polymyalgia!! only diagnosed with b12 deficiency 8 months ago and giving myself injections. too little too late have serious nerve damage optic nerve, balance and going deaf brain shrinkage/damage. nothing is going to reverse damage, injections have made no difference. All my symptoms ignored as 15 years ago I had brain haemorrhage followed by 2 coiling of aneurysms and craniotomies clipping of aneurysms left and right also ACDF on C5-6/C7-8 I'm the neuro surgeons and neurologist worst nightmare... Im a retired clinical nurse practitioner/endoscopist so I know a lot about guts only bit of my body that works. will keep reading all your comments XX jac

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