Hi, I completed the 6 loading doses, finishing a week ago. My levels were 356, folate 5, but due gastric issues over a number of years and long term use of Omeprozole (9 Years) we think I may not be absorbing the Natural B12 from my diet, which is on the whole healthy and balanced.
From the day before my last injection I have felt much better, fog lifted, tinnitus quieter and no vertigo attacks. I still have numb/tingling hands and feet but just to loose the brain fog is amazing.
Yesterday I did not feel as good and today the fog is back. I am waiting for my MMA and IF test results which hopefully will be in next week, we will then know if this is in fact a B12 issue or something else.
I got quite excited when I started to feel better last week but now I am thinking this is not a B12 issue as surley there is a lot of B12 in my system now after the loading injections. So sorry but this is new to me and I am desperate to feel better. You all have so much knowledge and I thank you for all the help you give to everyone going through this battle. Regards. Julie