Upset stomach due to b12 and folate - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Upset stomach due to b12 and folate

Tricia2747 profile image
8 Replies

Hi everyone, I was diagnosed Nov 17 with b12 deff levels 169, had the first course of 6 booster injections,I had bad pins and needles in feet and hands, breathless, no energy, but injections helped and did feel a lot better.

But I then had folate and parietal cells checked, the folate was 300, and parietal was neg.

Was given 5mg of folate, and GI troubles began, I have suffered with reflux for 20 years and take 20mg of omeprazole daily,but a week into folate, I would feel sick every day, and bloated (I also suffer with IBS) so my stomach not liking folate, stopped the folate from the Dr, and bought methyl folate,same symptoms. I am due for another Injection in 3 weeks,and boy do I need it, I have been taking 1000mcg sublingual tabs every other day, but even these upset my stomach, Help!!! Please, anyone suffered same problems, advice please.(oh I admit I'm not a big veg fan do try tho). these symptoms are driving me nuts.

Thanks Tricia

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8 Replies
Sleepybunny profile image


"the folate was 300"

That seems a very high result for folate. Do you have the reference range for folate? Or is it a B12 result?

Link about folate deficiency (UK info)

Have you had an Intrinsic Factor Antibody (IFA) test?

This can help to diagnose PA (Pernicious Anaemia) but test is not always reliable and it is still possible to have PA even if IFA test has a negative or normal range result.

In UK, test for parietal cell antibodies is no longer recommended as a test for PA. I have read articles that suggest a small percentage of people with PA will test negative on parietal cell antibodies test.

B12 websites

Some info may be UK specific

B12 Deficiency Info website

PAS (Pernicious Anaemia Society)


PAS tel no +44 (0)1656 769717 answerphone

PAS is based in Wales, UK but has members from around the world.

B12 Awareness (USA website)

B12 books I found useful

"What You Need to Know About Pernicious Anaemia and B12 Deficiency" by Martyn Hooper

Martyn Hooper is the chair of PAS (Pernicious Anaemia Society). Book is up to date with UK b12 guidelines.

"Living with Pernicious Anaemia and Vitamin B12 Deficiency" by Martyn Hooper

Has several case studies.

"Could it Be B12?: An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses" by Sally Pacholok and JJ. Stuart (USA authors)

Very comprehensive with lots of case studies.

If you're in UK, I'd suggest reading following articles/documents

BSH Cobalamin and Folate Guidelines

Flowchart from BSH Cobalamin and Folate Guidelines

BMJ B12 article



Risk factors for B12 deficiency and PA


Use of PPI drugs can lead to B12 deficiency.

Stomach Acid

Some people on the forum diagnosed with high stomach acid have then discovered that their problems were due to low stomach acid. The symptoms of both are similar.

H Pylori

Have you ever been tested for H pylori infection?

I have read that this can lead to gastric problems and also to low b12.

Blood tests

Have you had tests for ferritin and full blood count (known as Complete Blood Count in USA) as well as folate and B12? Info in links below may be UK specific.


Full Blood Count and Blood Film

More b12 info in pinned posts on this forum.

I am not medically trained.

Tricia2747 profile image
Tricia2747 in reply to Sleepybunny

Sorry folate 3.1 didn't check what I had typed.

I must also add,that 5 years ago I. Was diagnosed with lung cancer in my right lower lung stage 1. they took the lung away, lymph nodes clear,I have just been discharged from Papworth,as all clear. But!!! Got to say that since then I have not been right could this also have contributed towards b12 deficiency ??


wedgewood profile image

You have had a great reply from Sleepybunny . But I was also going to ask if you had had an Intrinsic Factor test . It’s very unreliable , but I was lucky enough to be diagnosed with PA. with it . The sublingual B12 may not benefit you at all if you have PA , as mostly PA patients only benefit from injections .Omeprazole will have been robbing you of B12 by neutralising your stomach acid which is needed to absorb B12 in your food.

.A gastroenterologist told me that PA patients had no or low stomach acid ( due to antibodies that attack the pareital cells which produce hydrochloric acid and the Intrinsic Factor ). This upsets the stomach flora , causing bloating , pain and nausea . To help reset the balance I took a probiotic called Symprove , which has been specially developed for IBS . It was amazing ( but expensive ) I now make my own probiotic in the form of raw, organic sauerkraut ( I use red cabbage with chopped onion - it’s tasty and nutritious ) This does the trick .

As I can’t get more than 1injection of B12 every 3months from the NHS , I now self-inject to keep symptoms at bay . I hope you get a solution to your problem . Best wishes .

ruthhawa profile image
ruthhawa in reply to wedgewood

B12 HIGHer than ...RANGES 200-1100........Dr says no harm as of 2/15 .......i am so tired since last yr 2017........I stopped drinking greenjuice (aloe clr juice fennel celery cuk coconut water) Dr advised. 2/19 I started orange, carrot (repair cells) , cuk (flush system) water and sometimes a qrt cup fresh pineapples. I have some energy days, and take a walk on those days....taichi and stretching at home and taichi in a class as well now 1 day week .......drinking so much water each day ;).....

I eat s so healthy.......will reach out to Dr by 3/5.......ACED ALL BLOOD WORK ....LET ME KNOW AND PEACE AND LOVE......:)

Tricia2747 profile image
Tricia2747 in reply to wedgewood

Hi, no not had intrinsic factors tested,did think myself about H pylorie ,someone with gastric problems suggested a teaspoon of vinegar in water, could help.but I have to say until I had B12 injections,stomach problems have gotten worse.and tingly feet and fingers no better.My Age 70 a factor too. I have also discovered B12 plus loads of other vitamins patches,anyone tried them ??

Thanks. tricia

Sleepybunny profile image
Sleepybunny in reply to Tricia2747

Hi again,

"folate 3.1"

Folate results seems very low. What has GP said about this?

Have you asked GP to test Intrinsic Factor Antibodies?

wedgewood profile image
wedgewood in reply to Tricia2747

It takes time for B12 to do its work , especially if you have been deficient for a long time .Also one doesn’t always recover 100%. In old age one produces less stomach acid , and you have been taking Omeprazole , which would have entirely demolished yours .

I have tried B12 patches , sub-lingual lozenges , nose sprays , to no effect . Only injections help me . You must also make sure that you get adequate folate /folic acid ( vitamin B9) . It works together with B12.

Tricia2747 profile image
Tricia2747 in reply to wedgewood

Thanks for your reply. Yes was prescribed folic acid,by the Dr, 5mg,daily, but after a week I started feeling bloated, stomach pains, and feeling sick all day,someone on the pa site,suggested methyl folate not so aggressive, and with my drs per mission, I bought some, but!! 2 days taking them,the same thing happened, I have purchased patches for b12, as sublingual tablets didn't help.can you get folic acid patches, or injections ??

I am so fed up with feeling like this, that I feel like stopping everything, my next b12 injection is a week Friday,its with a nurse practioner,so will have a chat with her. My main worry is the tingling in my feet and fingers, I understand the damage can be irreparable, I started with these symptoms last march,2017, but feeling preety rubbish since my cancer op 5 years ago.I just don't know where to go or do next,

Sorry its such a long reply.

Thanks for trying to help.Tricia

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