Chronic stomach problems and PA - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Chronic stomach problems and PA

Slap profile image
27 Replies

Hi- I’ve been following this great forum since I was diagnosed with PA in November. I self inject B12 and am still trying to find the right length of time between shots. Usually once a week or every two weeks. Some of my symptoms are better and some haven’t changed, but my stomach issues have gotten worse along with my shortness of breath. I just had a cardiac dye catherization today and my heart and arteries are fine and yet I can’t walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath. My stomach seems to have started acting up after the PA diagnosis with nausea and now chronic diarrhea ( 3 weeks). It is not a flu/ virus . Does anyone know if PA would, could cause this breathlessness or stomach issues? I would so appreciate help!

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Slap profile image
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27 Replies
wedgewood profile image

Well the antibody that causes the PA by attacking the Intrinsic Factor , also attacks the pareital cells ability to produce stomach acid . Lack of stomach acid upsets the stomach flora causing gut problems . I also had giut problems . Which I overcame by taking a very good probiotic called Symprove . It is rather expensive so now I make my own probiotics ——just organic raw sauerkraut . This has helped emormously . I couldn’t believe it . Hope that you can find some help with probiotics .

Slap profile image
Slap in reply to wedgewood

Thank you, I’ll try this. Can you recommend a specific recipe,or where I can read about this?

wedgewood profile image
wedgewood in reply to Slap

I just googled for a recipe . There are no end . But I’ll tell you that I now use red organic cabbage instead of white . I have read that red has more nutrients than white . I also add some chopped red onion to the mixture . Makes it tastier . If it’s all too much try the Bio-kult capsules . They are cheaper and more convenient than Symprove , which is totally marvellous . Sauerkraut is undoubtedly an acquired taste , but it works and is so cheap . You only need a dessert spoonful a day . Get your gut right , and everything will fall into place !!

In spite of making a great recovery from PA , I still get a bit breathless . You are often left without 100%revovery . Depending how long you have had untreated PA .I have to self inject once a week . But I feel a different person now . Hope that you will too soon .

Best wishes !

Slap profile image
Slap in reply to wedgewood

Thanks so much. It’s so nice to receive some answers and support

Slap profile image
Slap in reply to wedgewood

I just ordered the Bio - Kult. Although it’s going to take a month to arrive( don’t know why it’s so long from Amazon) I will report back! Many thanks.

Baggy8 profile image
Baggy8 in reply to Slap

They sell it in Boots on 241... 😊

Slap profile image

Thanks. Do you get breathless when walking? Do you know why it hasn’t gotten better?

DOTTYDOUGAL1971 profile image
DOTTYDOUGAL1971 in reply to Slap

This was the first major thing I went to the doctor with- I have had to stop running as I am so out of breath (I was running 3-6 miles every other day, now I can't run at all, which I find awful not to be able to do)

I had chest x-rays, and ECG's all which came back normal. My bloods came back and showed I virtually have no B12 and very low Folate, so have been taking tablets for almost a month, and I am due to have bloods re done this week, then discuss with doctor about starting injections. To be honest, all of a sudden my body seems to have got poorly - I've had other things going on, which I dismissed as normal things due to stress, new job etc, but I now realise it's the PA. My hair is falling out in handfuls, my body hurts and aches all the time, I am totally exhausted, I have headaches, I get dizzy and feel sick, my feet and hands tingle constantly, my legs and feet feel like they are on fire sometimes.....the list is endless. I feel rotten, and very sorry for myself :) I am hoping the injections will help with things, and I will feel better soon because I am getting bored feeling like this, and I'm sure my poor husband is too ;) We are in our mid 40's and have a very hectic social life, and this is starting to affect it.

I hope the breathlessness stops soon for you ..... it is horrible and scary.


Slap profile image
Slap in reply to DOTTYDOUGAL1971

Thanks. Me too - my whole body seems off - I have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis ( for 30 years) and suddenly I was Hyper 3 months ago, made the med correction and now am hypo! Makes no sense, other issues too that show me that my immune system is crazy. Hang in there. Hopefully we will all overcome.

clivealive profile image
clivealiveForum Support

Hi Slap It is also important that your Folate level is monitored as this is essential to process the B12.

There is a complex interaction between folic acid, vitamin B12 and iron. A deficiency of one may be "masked" by excess of another so the three must always be in balance.

Symptoms of a folate deficiency can include:

symptoms related to anaemia

reduced sense of taste


numbness and tingling in the feet and hands

muscle weakness


Folic acid works closely with vitamin B12 in making red blood cells and helps iron function properly in the body.

Having had two thirds of my stomach removed back in 1959 I find that adding a few drops of lime juice helps my almost dysfunctional digestive system

I am not a medically trained person but I've had P.A. (a form of B12 deficiency) for more than 45 years and I'm still "clivealive" and over 75. .

I wish you well


deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to clivealive

Just what I was going to suggest!

Slap profile image
Slap in reply to clivealive

Thanks- you seem to be the granddaddy around here,!! I did ask to be tested for folate ( at your suggestion!) and am waiting for the results. The shortness of breath developed over many( 3 or 4) years, continually getting worse. Respirology found me to be ok. Would that be consistent with ongoing B12 deficiency that isn’t diagnosed? Does anybody have the experience that it gets better after years?

clivealive profile image
clivealiveForum Support in reply to Slap

My wife comments on my "Big Sigh" which is one of the well known symptoms of B12 deficiency/P.A. the seeming inability at times to "get a breath" and I do find stairs difficult at times, but then I guess being a "granddaddy" may account for some of it.

NeeNee82 profile image

I was diagnosed with PA around 2 years ago. I also suffer from IBS which can be linked to B12 deficiency.

Maggie29 profile image
Maggie29 in reply to NeeNee82

I've got low B12 and anaemic. Dr. Doing a PA test. I suffer with IBS and diverticulitis. I've had 2 really bad flare ups in last 2 weeks. Terrible griping pains that I've never had before. I'm wondering if their linked too.

Maggie29 profile image
Maggie29 in reply to NeeNee82

Hi I'm in a similar situation. I'm B12 deficient and anaemic. Had blood test for PA but not back yet. My IBS has been playing up for last 2 weeks. Griping pains that I didn't have before. What's the link to B12 deficiency it would be nice to understand it all. Thanks

Slap profile image
Slap in reply to Maggie29

It seems to be so complex and we seem to need to figure it out ourselves. Good luck!

alamagpa profile image

Have you had an endoscopy? You may have suffered some "collateral damage" from the PA antibody attacks on the parietal cells in the lining of your stomach. For example, atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia are associated with autoimmune PA. Damage to the lining of the stomach could be behind your GI tract issues. I have PA, AG and IM, and I suspect there is a connection between that evil triumvirate and my GI tract issues. I say "suspect" because my doctor does not confirm my suspicion. The conditions are associated with one another but it is not clear that that relationship is causal. So I speak as a patient, not a doctor. You should see a gastroenterologist (GI) to explore whether you have any such collateral damage. Warning: before the GI performs an endoscopy he/she may insist on a colonoscopy. Both involve anesthesia, and the latter involves some significant preparation. In the meantime, you may wish to begin experimenting with your diet, as the others who have replied here have done. For example, after my AG diagnosis, I stopped all caffeine, and began minimizing citrus, as both stimulate gastric gland secretion. I feel for you and wish you the best of luck.

Slap profile image
Slap in reply to alamagpa

Thank you so much. I agree that I think too that the stomach issues are connected to the PA and destruction of cells. I’m in Canada and we have an 18 month wait for an appointment with a gastroenterologist- and no anesthesia for both scopes( in humane!) only some IV Valium. I hope to get it figured out before then! I worried that I caused the diarrhea myself by giving myself the B12 shots closer together. I didn’t have the diarrhea when my shots were once every 3 weeks.

alamagpa profile image
alamagpa in reply to Slap

As mentioned, I am not a doctor, but I would be shocked if the increased injection frequency caused the diarrhea. I inject weekly, and my GI tract issues improved with the increased frequency, first from monthly to bi-weekly, and then to weekly.

Slap profile image
Slap in reply to alamagpa

Thank you, that’s good to hear!

spacey1 profile image

You said that you were diagnosed in November, and that's a relatively short time to have been treated, really. Don't lose heart; your system needs time to repair if it got very low in B12. Breathlessness and gut issues are really common on here, and GPs often don't seem to 'get' the link (mine sent me for a chest x ray too, which unsurprisingly was absolutely fine). You should always check with a GP, just in case there's something other than B12 deficiency going on, but it may simply be that your body needs time to recover and that you still have a way to go. I'm over a year in, and I've pretty much cracked the breathlessness as long as I keep my iron levels above floor level; not yet worked out how to sort the IBS, but I remain hopeful :)

Slap profile image
Slap in reply to spacey1

Thanks so much

Slap profile image

I’m 67 - ancient in some people’s minds! COPD certainly would make you breathless too.

Catlover3 profile image

Hi. Breathlessness and "air hunger" are also symptoms of thyroid issues. I know loads of sufferers who get breathless particularly walking up stairs and inclines. I went from being able to run 5k every day to only being able to walk a short distance...Dr said I was depressed! Turns out I had Hashimotos and I also have developed B12 deficiency. Has your thyroid been checked?

Ryaan profile image

Has your Folate level been checked ?......I had horrible shortness of breath when my Folate was low and went away after few weeks of taking 5mg Folic Acid given by GP.

Slap profile image
Slap in reply to Ryaan

Thank you- I’ve had the blood work done and should get the results this week

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