Hi there. My PA has been monitored succesfully with 7-8 weeks interval on 1 mg Hydroxycobalamin. I have a lot of issues, eg. side effects from a chemo treatment (pain, fibromyalgia like issues, impaired sleep etc). I'm also taking LDN plus a panel of vit/min. I'm seriously considering adding CBD to my regiment, so question is, does anyone with PA here have any experience with or knowledge about CBD/PA/IBD? Thanks😊
CBD oil and PA : Hi there. My PA has... - Pernicious Anaemi...
CBD oil and PA

I’d not heard of Low Dose Naltrexone before. It does look as if it might help with neuropathic pain.
I have tried CBD but it doesn’t really seem to do much at all. I might get slightly less pain when I vape some in the evening. But that might be placebo.
I found a more obvious improvement with 3x300 mg of alpha lipoid acid daily.
In what way, fbirder? I've tried the ALA, but only for like 3-4 days, as I had some stomach upsets.
My neuropathy is t caused by B12 deficiency, so it may not work for all.
With the ALA it feels as if I’m walking on gravel most of the time. Without the ALA it feels like I’m walking on broken glass sometimes. Without ALA I would need codeine to get to sleep a few nights a month. With it I’ve not needed it at all.
Sorry but cannot help you .... it would be rude of me to ignore your question to me.
I've recently purchased CBD oil. I think it helps me with pain. I have PA, but also have pain that I'd associated the last two years with slipped discs, lumbar arthritis, sciatic and other nerve pain. Now I wonder if some of the pain was really the PA. I've learned that there isn't a recommended dosage, and everyone needs to figure it out for themselves. I find that a drop or two under my tongue before I go to bed (or earlier, if I don't have anything going on that evening) knocks me out very well, and my pain is a little bit diminished.
Great to hear! This is what I'm hoping for. A whole night's sleep does make a difference regarding the rest of the issues. And my cortisol level also needs to be calmed down. I'm a little anxious though about the amount of THC, since I'm driving to work. But, I'll try a drop or two under my tongue. Thanks a lot🖒
I tried it but it was expensive and it didn't do a lot for me. I was hoping it would help migraine and nausea but it didn't. I think I would have needed a much stronger dose but that cost even more. In a way I'm glad it didn't work as I couldn't possibly afford it on a regular basis.
I do get benefit from a herbal supplement which contains turmeric, quercetin, boswellia, berberine. It's anti inflammatory but without the side effects of NSAIDs.
I've read a lot about LDN and it sounds very useful indeed, but it seems very difficult to get it. Not prescribed by NHS.
Hadn't heard of ALA before but it sounds promising, although the feature I just read said take it on an empty stomach, but then said you may get stomach problems with it, so take it with food...
Frodo, thanks for sharing your experiences. You're so right about the cost of CBD😣, but I have to make a priority in my life, and think that for the moment it'd make a huge difference if I could just have my sleep restored a bit, and thus function better with the rest of the issues. Anyways, if you want to dig in and have a Dr prescribing LDN(which have certainly done a lot for me already, regarding pain and IBD), there's a lot of help in the FB group LDN Research Trust, sharing help with Dr's prescriptions. In the UK and Ireland it's a bit easier to get, especially if you find the right clinics and Dr. The cost is low, as LDN is an old drug with no patent anymore, but which is a "repurposed drug" with many prospects for autoimmune diseases, cancer, pain etc. See Dr Bihari, Dr Khan for their research, on YouTube or in the files in the FB group.