Is there any concern between b12 deficiency and high blood pressure.?
B12 and high blood pressure - Pernicious Anaemi...
B12 and high blood pressure

I am wondering if you have had your thyroid thoroughly checked - and not just the TSH. Thyroid hormones are involved in regulating the heart - too little and too much can be an issue. Raised blood pressure is often a symptom of something else going on in the body rather than an illness in itself Low magnesium can be part of it all ....
I notice you are on the Cholesterol Support Forum - raised cholesterol is also a Hypo or Low Thyroid symptom. Back in the 60/70's anyone with raised cholesterol had their thyroids treated
Happy to help ....
My thyroid report is okay.. I had done thyroid test along with b12.. After that I came to know that my b12 is low.
So your TSH was around 2 & the FT4 & FT3 were in the upper part of the range - and negative for TPO & TG anti- bodies. Only then can you say your Thyroid is OK. Do you have copies of your results. Low B12 often accompanies low thyroid and cholesterol issues. How are your VitD levels ?
Vitamin D was 50.
Is that measurement ng/L or nmol/L ?
OK so above 60 would be better.
Today my gp also prescribed 4 tabs of vitamin D,, weekly.
How much in each tab ?
60,000 iu
Taking that much requires you to take VitK2- MK7. When taking large amounts of VitD - it improves uptake of calcium from foods. It is important that calcium does not stay in the arteries but is directed to bones and teeth. People with plaque in the arteries often have LOW K2. Could help blood pressure too.
Absolutely Marz. Twenty years ago, I was referred to heart clinic regularly with very high blood pressure, high cholesterol and two leaky valves were found (I'd had one since childhood that has always caused migraine with aura under certain conditions).
Eventually, after reading research that leaky valves (PFO) were connected with hypothyroidism, I asked for a thyroid test and was found to be seriously hypothyroid - it explained so much. All conditions eventually improved after adequate treatment with Levo, then NDT and, later, B12 injections. After a particularly stressful time two years ago, when blood pressure climbed sky high and I ended up in ED, I believe I only survived because I'd been supplementing high dose B12 and on adequate NDT - tests at the time found only one leaky valve !
Personally, I've found the worst effect on B12def. blood pressure, and health generally is high stress....... BP again soared dangerously last week. After resorting to BP medication, extra magnesium and more frequent B12 injections to ensure homocysteine low, I've slept for England.....
The level of ignorance resulting in GPs generally treating symptoms only with drugs and their reluctance to explore history and the root cause is probably causing untold misery and hardship.
Interestingly, Dr M in her book, 'Diagnosis and Treatment of CFS and ME - it's mitochondria, not hypochondria', links the affects of stress, overdoing exercise, etc. to low B12, etc.
I was feeling very good after having b12 shots... But today when my gp tested my blood pressure, it was 100-140... After that my day went terrible.. My mind crashed why my BP is so rising.. Before this incident my BP always remain around 70-110.. He prescribed me alprazol only for 5 days.
You may have 'white coat syndrome', Jot. I measure my own BP for this reason. BP goes up and down during the day and can be v. high when visiting surgery but generally is normal. Last week, under stress it rose to 227 sys : 140 dia.!
Long ago, before drugs given for hypertension, high BP was treated with high magnesium.
It's also possible that, if deficient in B12, you may be low in other essential vitamins and minerals, e.g. the B vitamins work synergistically but care should be taken not to take too much of some B vitamins.
There is a v. good book called, 'The Magnesium Miracle'. Many people nowadays are deficient in magnesium due to low levels in the soil.
"Daily magnesium supplements significantly reduce blood pressure, new research reveals.
Taking a 300mg tablet, the recommended dose for males, lowers hypertension and boosts blood flow after just one month, a study review found.
Researchers recommend magnesium supplements be considered for people suffering from, or at-risk of, high blood pressure."
Thanx Polaris i did magnesium test and gp said it's normal.. I don't remember the levels but had test on 27-12-17.
Polaris that is really interesting! I didnt know that magnesium can lower blood pressure. Ive ended up on a blood pressure tablet all effects of chemo (now two years behind me) and am very well medicated on a ndt (ft 4 &ft 3 near top of range) so Id be curious to see if magnesium would get me off the blood pressure tablet. Definately worth a try. Thanks. Does it matter what sort?
I'm only able to tell of my own experience Wavylines. I take Solgar magnesium citrate, available in powder or tablet form (2 tabs = 400mg).
There are other different forms with Magnesium oxide, the cheapest, but not recommended in the book mentioned above. Magnesium taureate is sometimes recommended as specific to heart and BP problems but I haven't tried this as it's more difficult to find.
I began by building up dose cautiously as it can cause loose/more frequent bowel movements or diarrhoea to begin with - could be difficult if away from home working etc. 😳 Generally very safe but I believe anyone with kidney problems should seek further advice.
I had the same problem with my blood pressure rising when I received a B12 shot. In a period of 6 weeks my blood pressure rose from 117 over 72 to 150 over 89. My nurse at work refused to continue giving me my shots because she was so worried about my blood pressure numbers. I also had other bodily reactions, red face, insomnia, etc. I went to an allergist when my GP told me B12 couldn't be causing a reaction. The allergist tested me and we found out that while I wasn't allergic to the B12 shots my body was reacting to them. The allergist diagnosed me with something called Flushing Syndrome. My face flushes very easily, when I drink wine, eat chocolate and exercise. I now take antihystamines before and for a couple of days after my monthly shot and it completely blocks my body's reaction. The allergist told me to talk to my GP about maybe taking a beta blocker the day of my injection.
Have you seen her letter to whoever - questioning PACE - the exercise regime that was forced on CFS patients and made them worse - poor things.
Hope you are feeling stronger today ..... 😊
Hi Marz
Yes, the way people were treated and ignored for years was unbelievably cruel. I believe she mentioned it in her book, which is v. well researched. She appears to be one of few doctors prepared to fully investigate Thyroid disease, B12 deficiency and more and treat optimally.

B12 deficiency can cause high levels of homocysteine and, in some people with certain genetic mutations, raised cholesterol - both of which are known to lead to cardio-vascular problems and sustained high blood pressure.
Hypertension isn't really a condition - it's an indicator that there may be problems. Blood pressure varies during the day and will be influenced by factors such as exercise - when your heart is beating faster to deliver more oxygen.
Thanks Gambit62
I have started treatment after that twice time my blood pressure raised, before treatment it always remained under levels or low levels.
Admin one thingh more I want to know,, the pain we all are talking about in hands feets, pin n needles,,, that pain causes in nerves or veins?
I feel like my legs are pain only locked or heavy feeling.. Is this due to nerve damage?

Personally I'm not convinced that anything about B12 deficiency is as simple as just one cause because B12 is used in so many processes in the body - maintaining the sheath around nerve cells is one process but it also seems to be involved in the processes that reset neurotransmitters.
numbness in hands and feet is generally a result of something going on with nerves - it can be aggravated by other factors, eg the common interaction in women between pinching of the nerves running through the carpal tunnel in your wrist and hormonally related water retention (not a B12 thing). Similar symptoms are associated with reynauld's but these are due to problems with blood supply to nerves. In diabetes peripheral neuropathy seems to arise from vascular problems with blood supply to nerves being restricted ...
Looks like your thyroid is underperforming to me...