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Balance problems and fluctuating high blood pressure

Mannequin18 profile image
13 Replies

Hi everyone, I have autoimmune hypothyroidism and pa.

I have for several months been experiencing severe balance problems when walking, mostly in the mornings. Fluctuating high blood pressure and tinnitus in the left ear.

Could this be that I need more frequent B12?

Has anyone experienced the same?

Thank you in advance.


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Mannequin18 profile image
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13 Replies
Nackapan profile image

Have you had more b12 injections in the past? Has the balance problem got worse since changing regime of b12?

I had virtigo and severe balance problems at the start. Cawthorn pysio helped me along with frequent b12 injections to walk again in a straight line. I still go off balance but only when moving my head too quickly or when using my eyes to try and read

As mainly in the morning could this be your bp being low?? Perhaps your gp might do a 24hr bp check? ?

Hope any of these ideas help . I know nothing about hypothyroidism.

Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to Nackapan

Thank you for your reply.

I have been on B12 injections every 12weeks for 3 years.

I started balance problems several months ago, but my GP took no notice. ( I saw another who is checking several things).

My B12 levels are high, but everything I have read says it is normal, and there is no need to check levels once diagnosed.

I recently had a battle with my GP who stopped my B12. And I fought him with information I gained on here,,and he has reinstated it.

I just wondered if I needed more..

I had B12 on the 27th June. And the one before that was in January.

And my balance is definitely worse.

I have been referred to a specialist, so maybe they will shed some light on it.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Mannequin18

Yes I hope so. Are you seeing a neurologist? I saw one for balance issues and to read a brain mri scan. You do have the scope for more frequest injections to trial? Most neurologists know little about b12. The third one I saw had had b12 defiency himself so was a littke more open and said more reserch is needed. At least he said people need different frequencies of b12 injections although in theory every 2-3 months should be enough he sees people doing much better on more!!!!

I was told I had vestibular disturbance. No idea why.

B12 defiency is known to affect your cerribellum part of the brain that is one of the controls for balance.

I hope you get on okay at the appointment.

Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to Nackapan

Thank you. I will post any helpful information for others.

I have just found out that I will be seeing a ENT specialist on the 1st October.

Not what I was expecting.

mauschen profile image

Have you had a recent folate checked? If this is low B12 won’t work properly and one of the symptoms is balance issues

Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to mauschen

Thank you. I will check that they have done it.

Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to mauschen

Hi again. Do you know what the folate levels should be?

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to Mannequin18

Every laboratory is different and so ‚normal‘ ranges will vary.

In my experience, autoimmune disease should be holistically managed. Which means looking at you as a whole person not just treating a few symptoms.

I would recommend asking for a full thyroid profile including T3 and T4. I found it important to check Iron, folate, vitamin D, zinc and selenium among others. When all deficiencies were corrected, I felt much better.

You mentioned tinnitus, are you taking aspirin? I only ask as it is a common side effect.

Have you had a 24 hour blood pressure checked?

Perhaps write down all of your diagnoses and symptoms, take this to your doctor and ask if he/she can work through the list with you. If symptoms are affecting your daily life, be firm but cooperate with your doctor as you might also need to change your lifestyle.

Good luck!

Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to mauschen

Thank you. No I don't take aspirin. And the doc has given me a week's chart to log my BP.

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to Mannequin18

A 24h BP control would give much more information as it would measure BO while you sleep. It will determine whether or not you dip at night and could rule out other illness. In my opinion it would be worth doing

Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to mauschen

Thank you. Is that just taking BP over 24hrs?. Or are you linked up to a monitor?. As I am not familiar with that.

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to Mannequin18

A normal BP cuff is connected to a small battery operated machine which you wear on a belt. During the day, the machine will be programmed to measure your blood pressure at regular intervals, mine is set for every 15 minutes. From 22:00h, my BP is measured every hour which is better for sleeping. Your doctor will decide your interval program.

You also get a form to fill in which is simple to do. For example, from 08:30 to 09:00 Driving, 09:00 until 10:00h shopping, 11:00 until 12:00h cooking/cleaning ... you need to be honest in order for the results to be properly interpreted. If you have been sleeping on the couch for 3 hours or sitting on the computer, this is what you write.

The dr will look for patterns for example, BP and pulse increased whilst walking or BP decreased when you got out of bed. There is a comment section for you to write down any symptoms, for example, dizzy getting out of bed. The dr can then link this to the low BP.

I hope this helps!

Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to mauschen

Yes it does, thank you.

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