After experiencing so many PA symptoms for so many years I started to believe I would never improve even on b12 jabs. But guess what I’m actually doing better! I’m on my 5th dose of EOD (my first time having injections this frequently) and wow I’m starting to feel like my old self. I’m not sleepy during the day. I have a little bit more motivation. It’s not perfect, I still sleep in very late (because of insomnia) when I can and I have stubborn focus/attention problems but I’m amazed how much I improved since last week. I feel like I have some energy. My only regret is I wish I had my loading dose 4 years ago when it was first diagnosed. It’s so important that doctors properly educate themselves on PA if they have limited experience treating it.
feeling better with b12 injections - Pernicious Anaemi...
feeling better with b12 injections

congrats! Glad to hear you are getting results! Keep up the injections. Don't let anyone talk you into spacing them out! Ask us anything and we will try to help.
Hi Purplegirl2
I’m still on daily injections. It’s been 5 months now. I have also made so much progress and I just wanted to say that the most stubborn symptom for me (insomnia) has slowly gotten better. So hang in there! It was debilitating at times but am sleeping better and better. all the best!
Cheering for you Purplegirl2 !!!! So excited for you and hopeful for the healing that's starting in you now, even though I wish the same about doctors like the one who initially diagnosed you. Hold tight and keep going in the direction you have so bravely marched!
Good on you! Good Effort! You could not have done it without you.
Purplegirl that’s great news! All I can add is keep a diary of symptoms treatment and activity and get bloods tested at the 6 month stage as the healing prompted by B12 can use up other resources such as folate and iron etc.
keep posting as good news gives hope to many!
Thank you.