Hi, I had B12 injections when I was diagnosed with pernicious anaemia in 1982, for some reason the injections stopped, should i still be having them? I have put tiredness and forgetfulness down to hypothyroidism. Thanks for help.
B12 injections: Hi, I had B1... - Pernicious Anaemi...
B12 injections

If you were diagnosed with Pernicious Anaemia, then, yes - you have a lifelong need for B12 injections.
Have you made an appointment with a GP to discuss this? Have you had a B12 level measured recently, along with folate, iron etc.?

Hi Peachy6329
Did you have a Schilling's test in 1982 to confirm your diagnosis of Pernicious Anaemia?
How long since your last B12 injection?
Hi, i dont know about the Schilling test, it was a blood test I had, have not had any injections since 1982. I remember I had them in my bottom. I have tried to take B12 tablets but they seem to go through me.
Well as ITYFIALMCTT says for persons with P.A. injections are normally for life. Are you still with the same practice which gave you the diagnosis?
I am not a medically trained person but have had P.A. since 1972, was given two years to live unless I ate raw liver 3 times a day or having B12 injections for the rest of my life.
I chose to have the injections and I'm still "clivealive" and over 75.
Not with same practice now, could I have had it all this time and only recently getting symptoms?, serious muscle aches, fatigue, forgetfulness, always blamed my hypothyroidism. I think I will give the raw liver a miss !!! Rather have injections.