Anyone use Oxford Bioscience pure B12 and mix it themselves for their injections? My 20ml just arrived in the mail. I have read good reviews on their B12 but I am a lil worried since their bottle has a screw top. After adding the saline will it stay sterile with hsving to open and close the vial some 20 times?
Oxford bioscience : Anyone use Oxford... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Oxford bioscience

I did read about Oxford Bioscience B12 when I was looking to SI but decided in the end that I wouldn't be able to cope with the additional work involved with diluting it as I had decreased mobility/sensitivity in my fingers. Does the supplier have any suggestions/information that might be useful?
It just occurred to me that it might cut down any possible contamination if, when you have mixed the B12 with your saline solution that you fill all 20 syringes at once and then keep them in a cool place until needed.

That is a good idea! Thank you. I actually get prefilled syringes from a doctor already. Might try that. People speak very highly of Oxford Bioscience
Hope that works for you, perhaps your doctor might have a view as you are already getting prefilled syringes. I had heard good reports on OB, might give them another look.
I would like to get some information on how to and what to mix with the Oxford Bioscience Pure B12 ? Can you let me know ?
I would prefer to get my B12 from them rather than abroad and they seem very ethical
I live in the US and can easily get saline but if you are in the UK you will need to order from Germany or somewhere. You mix it with the pure B12 powder. Just got done mixing mine. To be honest I save $40 even with shipping to the US , buying it from them and mixing it myself but in the end I may just keep buying it at a higher price locally already mixed. Afraid of using it with the screw top 20 times. But saline kills bacteria and I am sure they would not offer this method if it were risky. The B12 comes with a short description of how to mix it. I am going to load up some syringes to store so I am not opening it all the time. I think I am more worried about contamination than they the professionals are. But the goid thing is it can be made according to the strength you want. I am going to try a higher strength. After this one time though I will just buy it already mixed. The illness already makes you a lil stressed and overwhelmed. Not going to add to my worries in the future. But I bet this is a life savor if you are in the UK.
I have been using B12 from Oxford Bioscience for three years. Excellent product, easy to mix, fast delivery.I have never had a problem with bacteria.
Awesome to hear! So you just screw the top off and on each time? How long are you using this vial? Weeks or months? So good to hear from someone experienced with mixing it themselves thank you for responding
Hi, just wanted to ask you how you keep your solution once its mixed. I just put mine in a drawer. Still a lil worried about it getting contaminated. Is it ok that way? How often are you injecting? And have you had a problem with your needles scrapping the glass? The package from Oxford Bioscience warns of this. Tried not to touch the bottle but its kind of hard. I notice they arent as sharp after using them to get the liquid out of the vial and it hurts a lil bit more to inject. Any advice is welcomed. Thank you
Hi. I keep my solution wrapped in tin foil and in a dark bag. As long as it is kept between 5-25 degrees and more importantly out of the light it should be fine. I haven't had a problem when the needles scrap the glass, it doesn't seem to blunt the needle (I use insulin syringes with the needle attached). I inject two to three times a week subcutaneously. I had all the same concerns you have when I first started using this but I can honestly say I have not had any problems. I hope this is helpful 😀
Wow your son is a brave one. This is really good to hear, I will try it. Thank you
I have just ordered MCobalamin from Oxford Bioscience and saline solution from Germany
I'm happy to have found this thread with loads of great information
Hi, can anyone tell me approximately how long it takes to deliver to the US?
Usually From four to eight days
Hi, wondering if you could tell if you pinch the skin before injecting with that size needle please.
I've been using it for 6 years, no issues. As @fbirder says, for safety you need to order sterile injectable saline from Germany
My son showed me how to use a syringe to pull up most of the saline solution and squirt it into the bottle of powdered B-12 and swirl it gently to mix. When I feel it's mixed, I use the syringe to pull up the mixture and squirt it back into the saline bottle. Sometimes I have to do this process another time to make sure I get every drop of the B-12 solution into the saline bottle. I wrap the saline bottle ( which has the B-12 solution in it now) in a small piece of foil and drop it into a plastic pill bottle and put the cap on it and refrigerate. To inject, I just use a insulin syringe to pull up the B-12 straight through the rubber top (after wiping with alcohol.) It doesn't really dull the needle much. Hope this helps! I tried it with pouring the saline into the B-12 powder but worried that it wasn't a very sterile way to fill syringes.