last week i got my b12 reports. And mine reading was 104. now doctor has prescribed my b12 7 injections in every alternate days. Will these injection are effective?? how much time it will take to recover my b12.
b12 deficiency: last week i got my b1... - Pernicious Anaemi...
b12 deficiency

Hi akashsharma Your B12 level will increase immediately with the injections but a lot of it will be excreted via your urine. That said, some of it will get to where it is needed to repair any damage done to your nervous system caused by the deficiency.
What are your symptoms?
Do you know why you are deficient?
There is no one answer to "how long" recovery will take because we are all different. Some symptoms may appear to get worse before they get better whilst others may improve quite quickly.
Do you know what your Folate level is? This is important as it and B12 helps your iron to function properly. Check with your doctor.
thanks clivealive for your quick response
my symptoms: dizziness , sudden increase in weight, sleeplessness, weakness, tingling sensation in whole body,early body exhaustion by doing simple daily work,poor concentration ,constant headache.
i am not sure why i am deficent.
No i don't know my folate level.
Today morning only i took morning only i took my fifth injection.But this dizziness is getting worse day by day. I don't know whats wrong with me.This weakness and tiredness is affecting my work and social life.
Strange - clivealive isn't it standard to test B12 and Folate together for exactly the reason you give. Every B12 test I have had has always reported the Folate as well.
I had five loading doses and now have to wait three months for next dose for ten days I felt as if I had been poisoned and they were killing rather than curing but for last five days have been feeling clearer headed . Your levels were much lower than mine but I was also prescribed folic acid. If you've in U.K. I have been taking berocca which I take in the morning since Friday and as this has b vitamins and magnesium feel that this can only help. Also eat at least one banana a day . Try to stay positive and hope things improve soon for you too .

akashsharma - where are you based?
Are you a vegetarian - B12 is only found in animal products so if you don't eat much meat/fish/dairy/egg then the cause could be dietary. However, as you are being given shots it seems that this has been ruled out.
The mechanism that the body uses to absorb B12 from food is very specialised. It can takes years and even decades for a deficiency to manifest fully as the mechanism is very efficient but it's like a bucket with a hole in it that gets bigger and bigger with time until it basically stops working as a bucket at all.
The most common cause is PA - which is associated with lowering of stomach acidity so you may have some digestion issues as well that have been going on for a while.
Other causes include H pylori infection, coeliacs, crohn's, general lowering of stomach acidity as you get older and a whole raft of drug interactions, eg metformin used to treat type 2 diabetes, PPIs ....
Can't think why you haven't been tested for Intrinsic Factor Antibodies for P.A. This test is only about 50 % accurate , but it just adds useful evidence if it comes up positive. But it is symptoms that should be treated anyway . But so many GPs don't follow this .
Can't think why you haven't been tested for Intrinsic Factor Antibodies. It is only about 50% accurate . But can add useful evidence . It is symptoms that should be treated anyhow . But so many GPs don't follow this . Best of luck 🍀👍