Hi my name is Margaret and I'm new here.
Around 4-5 years ago (memory problems) I was diagnosed with B12 deficiency.this came after around 10 years of health issues and numerous hospital appointments with various consultants.and many thousands of wasted NHS money!
Lying in bed one day, unable to walk properly, completely exhausted and feeling like I was going to die, I searched google with the question "why are my iron pills not working"? (Id been on iron off and on for many years) One of the pages that came up was for the B12 D website, I clicked on this and when I read the symptom checker I had EVERYTHING!! From the swollen red sore tongue that my Dentist and Doctor said was due to low iron, the tingling in hands and feet, the burning in my feet, the numb feet that I was sent to a podiatrist for (he gave me insoles) , the involuntary bowel evacuation that I was sent to see a consultant for, the swallowing problems that my GP said was anxiety but only after having various tests at the ENT department of my local hospital that came back clear.
I visited my GP the very next day and asked for a B12 test...I will always remember her reply.she looked at her computer screen and said."oh that would make sense as you've got very large red blood cells"!!!! She was reading my previous blood results that were screaming B12 and were ignored.
A few days later the results came back at 95 (150-1000) and injections were started.
3 months NHS injections is nowhere near enough for me and so I self inject around once a month.the majority of my symptoms have disappeared including the 'anxiety' swallowing, but I still have memory loss.i still get the brain fogs and I still wait for Doctors to catch up on this pernicious disease.
I would inject more often to try and regain my health 100% if my Doctor would test me for the cofactors. He won't and so I just muddle on trying my best.