I've started si. Phoned fareham, Hampshire council to tell them I need sharps box collection. They've sent me a form to complete, but there is a section on it to be completed by healthcare professional GP or Nurse... GP is aware I'm si but not happy with me doing it, so he's not likely to fill form out for me. Any suggestions please?
Si disposing of needles: I've started... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Si disposing of needles

Many pharmacies participate in the needle exchange scheme. I am pretty sure that most branches of Boots will do this.
Thank you, I will go into local boots tomorrow and ask.
Do let us know how you get on, I am fortunate in being able to use a local pharmacy .... I haven't actually tried Boots myself yet.
Boots do do the boxes they just ask for your name and address nothing from Dr
Hi Clare going to local boots today to ask, thanks.
I do get boxes where I get my prescription too and think it was just receptionist who requested that
I take my sharps box to the local hospital. They dispose of it with no charge. I just have to fill out my details on the box.
Might be entirely pie in the sky wishful thinking but, just because he doesn't support you in what you are doing, that doesn't necessarily mean he would be happy at improper disposal. That might be the only readily available option.
After all, many people who would never be seen dead in a Macdonalds establishment would support litter bins in the vicinity.
hi Sarah where did u buy the b12 and injections from I'm due my injection in 3weeks and am having really bad brain fog and exhausted and so spotty.
I got mine from Amazon
My gp would not do it and I went around in circles trying to find a local pharmacy who would take it. One of the sticking points was that they would only dispose of their own sharps bins and I had bought mine. I spoke to someone at Boots but they fell over themselves trying to find a way not to say it's a service for IV drug misuse. You'd think that disposing of the needles is the main thing but no, it is all about the process and the stigma.
I rang the council and they said I could ring the collection contractor and ask if I could arrange my own collection (that was because the lovely chap I spoke to was trying hard to find a way to get it done but it didn't sound like something that would work).
Eventually I went to the local medical centre near our holiday home and they took my own sharps box and gave me one of theirs, so I'm hoping they will recognise theirs when it is time to exchange it. I only use it for the needle (not the whole syringe) so it will take a long time to fill it.
I'm not proud to admit I had the fleeting thought that I could turn it in at one of many municipal locations (library, swimming pool etc) or a fast food restaurant saying I'd found it in the toilet and they would have access to disposal. It is bonkers that this is such a struggle.
If it happens again I'd ask the vet who treats my dogs, but I'd prefer to avoid it.
Ha went to Boots today-no luck. Going to speak to council on Monday about the form - and what they would say if Gp won't sign it!?
May I ask you what they said to you? Can you not register w them for needle exchange? You can also try local addiction services and they may be able to help. talktofrank.com/support-nea...
They said I could try the larger boots store in town, they may be able to take the sharps box under the needle exchange program. Otherwise, go back to council and see what they can do if GP won't complete part of their form.
Hello SarahFerguson,,,,you can get yellow sharps disposal tubs on your repeat prescription,,, and they can be collected and returned full for secure disposal through them,,,,I have these sharps boxes and have not needed the local authority to be involved,,,so your gp should not have any problems with forms,,,,ask at the surgery,,,,worst case scenario,,,you can buy them from the chemist,and return them there,,ask the pharmacist at your prefered chemist,,, good luck,,ttfn from karen.
Hi Karen - I don't have a repeat prescription . I go in to surgery every 8 wks for injection. The nurse does jab, doctor not happy I'm doing si.
The nurse does the jab and gives you the needle to dispose of?? How bizarre, I wonder what they're playing at. If the gp doesn't approve of your injections how do they rationalise the current system?
Hello puncturedbicycle,,,I agree with you,,,giving a patient a used needle?,,,I thought they were required to dispose of them in the required manner,,and they should not be giving them to be taken out of the surgery,,,what are they thinking of,,,,this gp sounds a right handful and not approving of the injection treatment?,,they would have had to agree with it, as a nurse cannot just decide to do this,,,this attitude from gp is very disturbing to say the least,,,,ttfn from karen.
Sarah- that's a pain! I didn't ask my dr's as they don't agree with me self injecting (apart from one lovely nurse who gave me a sharps box and some phials). Fortunately with my council I just make a request online , no questions asked.
What about the local hospital/needle exchange or even your dentist? Ridiculous isn't it when you are trying to do the right thing!
I can't believe this is so difficult.
My vet charges to dispose of the needles they have prescribed to treat animals at home (if your dog is diabetic for example) so I doubt they will take a sharps box for an unrelated issue for free or donation, it will cost.
Before I got my GP to approve SI, I used to use the needle exchange in Gosport Morrisons. They took my small sharps box (if a little unwillingly). They wouldn't actually handle it and made me put it in the contaminated waste container myself in case I had some vile contagion! This was a few years ago so not sure if they still do it. Just because he doesn't approve, doesn't mean your GP or someone at the surgery won't sign as you are trying to dispose of it responsibly...
I'm gonna call council tomorrow and see what they say if I can't get GP to sign form.
If your gp knows you SI, even if he doesn't approve he should still sign the form surely? Would he rather you just dump them in a public toilet for the council to pick up? Perhaps you should ask him! That's what happens when junkies dump their contaminated stuff yet you can't get it done responsibly! If not, perhaps you could just hand it in at another surgery? It's mad when you are trying to dispose of them safely.