I have used methyl cobalamin for three weeks now: one injection of methyl on a Sunday followed by daily injections of hydroxo cobalamin. I was hoping the methyl would improve my heat intolerance and my fogginess in addition to all other B12 symptoms. (My previous regime was daily hydroxo cobalamin)
Initially I thought I had cracked it. On the afternoon of my first methyl injection I had a window of a few hours when the fog cleared. I cannot remember when I last felt like this – awake - I had forgotten what it was like to feel ‘normal’.
Since then however it has been downhill all the way. All my symptoms deteriorated to a level I have never had before. Others were added to the list; I started to feel very anxious and also suffer faecal incontinence. My gait has become very strange and my mind very muddled. I have been finding it difficult to read and understand text. Heat intolerance has become the least of my problems. The plan was to pursue methyl for the month to give it a proper trial however my wife has vetoed this since I have been so bad.
Has anyone had a similar experience with methly? Do the two cobalamins react badly together? I don’t know what other avenues I can pursue in order to feel more ‘plugged in’ and 'alive' or even what to do to overcome being unable to be in a warm environment, when my body completely shuts down.
I assume this is caused by the damage to my nerves.
I have seven ampules of methy cobalamin left. If anyone can make use of these please message me direct and I will send them to you. B12 is too precious to be wasted.
I am still wondering whether my thyroid could be an issue. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.