saw my gp today for another matter, but at the end of the consultation I mentioned the dreaded b12 - she cut me off at the pass by saying that she thought there were going to be changes in the NICE recommendations and is keeping her eye on this. Does this mean anything to anybody? or was it just a way to get me out of the door........
update on gp: saw my gp today for... - Pernicious Anaemi...
update on gp

In one sense, does it matter? Shouldn't she be following them as they are right now? Or making her own decision not to follow them but accepting the responsibility.
Anyway, it would be interesting to know what might be in the pipeline. Good or bad.
Sounds good to me.Let us know if you hear anything else.Maybe they will eventually catch on!!
Hi Jillc39,
Fairly sure this was her way of not to have o discuss b12 and getting out of it! WHY are GPs hellbent on not helping patients? Rather uncaring and unconcerned... If you hear about any good change I'm sure you'll let us all know. Hope you can eventually get the treatment you need. Am still trying and despair...

The PAS - in particular Martin - has been in regular contact with NICE and updating the guidelines - it is part of a regular process and has been affecting other conditions as well.
There is more on it in Martin's blog reviewing 2016 and looking forward to 2017
However, as helvella points out your GP needs to be using professional judgement and not just blindly following guidelines.
Ha! Gambit62, fat chance!
Jillc39, have you tried taking someone with you for back up? Also, a list of symptoms and how they react to the shot? Don't let her off so easily!!
I may be wrong but I think I've seen something about the NICE guidelines being updated. As well as what PAS are doing, I believe Tracey Witty, who runs, corresponded with the medical profession/NICE/the drug companies about the clinical reasons for the current treatment guidelines - I believe nobody official could give her any medical reasons or find any legitimate history on how or why the current treatment guidelines had been reached from a medical/disease perspective.
There was some talk of the guidelines being down to an audit carried out in a couple of GP practices about 40 years ago to cut down on the work of the district nurse by limiting the number of injections nurses had to give.
Your doctor should treat you in the meantime if you're symptomatic, whatever.
well she just wont, and says she could loose her license if she went against the protocol.