Just over 2 weeks ago I submitted my letter with all the supporting documentation to my gp and practice manager, this appeared to have been placed within a 28 day max procedure.
In the meantime I have harassed the practice manager, the gp has also been off work ill (no others available just locums ), yesterday the practice manager called me to say that the gp was in touch with a Haemotologist and that they would like another blood test from me, at which point I exploded and vented my spleen upon the poor woman, it is unfortunate for her that she is the ' go between '
I have explained to her times many the urgency of reinstating my b12 shots to prevent any permanent neurological damage . I also told her that the guidelines say that any further serum b12 assay is irrelevant and to treat the clinical symptoms which are many and includes arrhythmia and sight disturbance.
Following a lengthy discussion and in the interests of trying to move this forward I reluctantly agreed to the blood test on the proviso that she wrote on my notes that I was doing this under protest as it was against the guidelines and that any time that was wasted could potentially harm me.
I know deep down that the Haematolgist is probably going to agree with the gp that my serum b12 levels are ' dangerously high '
I would change my gp to another practice but at this stage I do not feel that I have the time nor would I have any confidence that they would treat me any differently.
In the meantime the numbness in my hands, feet and face progress.
Just to recap, I do not have a definite diagnosis of PA and therefore Martyn is unable to step in.
I may have asked this before, considering the loading jabs and supplementation would a private MMA and Homocystene test be useful, I seem to recall another one of our members had some success with this in spite of elevated b12 levels ?