Have had b12 deficiency for several years. Drs have finally diagnosed this and I Have had 2 weeks of injections every other day and now on weekly injections. But I’m almost feeling worse than before! I feel jittery like trembly inside, weak limbs, low mood, blurred vision sometimes, brain fog. Is this normal to feel so bad even though I’m having injections? Should I be having them more often? Has anyone else experienced this??
B12 injections not working?? - Pernicious Anaemi...
B12 injections not working??

Yes. I initially got alot worse before any improvements.
Just keep going . See how you go on weekly.
If not every other day until no more improvement are in the guidelines if having neurological symptoms .
Hope improvements happen soon.
Thanks Nackapan
Good to know it’s not just me. How long before you felt any better?
Drs won’t give me every other day, but would look online to self inject if needs be.
I had some improvements after 3 months . I was extremely ill though. Still hoping for improvements. If caught in time and treatment started hope improvements happen sooner.you should get maintenance injections.
I had to push push to get more injections as theh found nothing else to treat. They always push you down the mental health route. Obviously must never be overlooked as many benefit from antidepressants. Many do not however.
I’ve had symptoms for 6/7 years but gps never knew what to make of it and neither did I. I’ve always eaten healthy and exercised so couldn’t understand why I’d be feeling rough. And now taking injections I feel worse! But it must be doing something otherwise I’d stay the same.Hopefully now although it may take a long time, I am getting what my body needs and will slowly start to recover, it can only get surely?!
Thanks beginner1 that’s reassuring to know. My legs have literally started just the other day, I just think oh what next?!
How long have you been on injections for? Have you had other symptoms of feeling worse before feeling better?
I definitely was a rollercoaster. Keep pushing through. There is relief. In my unprofessional opinion, the nerves start doing wacky things when the b12 wakes them up and it takes awhile for things to stabilize - even weeks or months. Hang in there!
Thanks Emmers5 I’ve got these weak legs and arms is this normal too? I’m so scared I can’t sleep for worrying
Now that you had your injections more often, have you or your doctor made sure to keep the balance with the other vitamins and minerals in this loop? Making sure you aren’t also needing vitamins B2, B9/11, D and magnesium also potassium (preferably not as supplement!)
this to me is a very normal experience. I felt much worse before I felt better as my body uptook the B12. My existing symptoms worsened and i got new ones - i understand this can happen and while awful, I just tried to believe better days were coming and they did. Keep going, you too will hopefully turn a corner soon. But try not to panic if it takes some time - it took many months before my symptoms settled. I was losing the power in my legs, but that has returned and i am back walking. x. J
I felt worse before feeling better and now feel MUCH better. I started with every other day loading doses and then went to once every 3 months. I found the exhaustion was creeping back in and a call to my GP resulted in getting them monthly now, which is perfect for me. I think I was lucky there as others have not been offered this. As others have mentioned, it's possible other things are getting out of whack and while potassium supplements aren't recommended, there is no harm eating a few extra bananas to keep potassium levels in the right place.
Like you I’m lucky to have a great dr who helps me with getting the right injections. I’m on them every other day until my symptoms subside. At least while I’m having the injections I know I must be getting better.
I am drinking lots of coconut water and having Atleast one banana. I also take a multivitamin. I take each day as it comes and try not to expect too much. It can be hard when you have a family to look after who don’t want to see their mum poorly all the time, but they keep me going.
Thank you for your support it’s so reassuring to know theirs light and the end of the tunnel