So I saw GP yesterday who told me that burning feet are a symptom of b12 deficiency.... really? fancy that.
He told me that it will take months if not longer for the problem to resolve and indicated the consultation was over. However, I quoted NICE guidelines to him to which he said that they follow BNF guidelines and proceeded to find and show me the relevant extract. Then he asked if I was a nurse (I'm not) so then wanted to know how I knew about NICE guidelines. My daughter-in-law works for NICE so I told him that, not that I got any information from her.
Upshot is, because I know of the problems everyone on here has gone through when asking for more injections, I backed off and have decided that I should go down the route of self injecting. As it is, I saw him making notes on my file. Now I am wondering if the surgery will see me as a trouble maker and possibly look at stopping jabs. Will have to cross that bridge if it happens.
It seems to me that Drs a century or more ago were far more enlightened than they are today.