My husband was diagnosed with Pernicious Anaemia 2 1/2 years ago. We initially joined the Pernicious Anaemia Society to get help, which was very beneficial by other members and greatly appreciated. We live in Australia where we can purchase B12 over the counter which wonderful as our local doctor does not understand Pernicious Anaemia, and was the reason my husband went undiagnosed for several years. We have now been self injecting as often as needed which can be anywhere from every 3 weeks to 2-4 days more recently. Having jumped back on here again to get some more information I am just realising that alcohol intake may be the reason my husband has commenced more frequent injections and the fatigue has come back pretty bad aswell as other symptoms (restless sleep, sore feet in the morning etc).
My question is, are there supporting viatimins he should be taking to assist with B12 absorption? I have read a few comments that include vitamin B, iron? and folate may be helpful. I just want to make sure these vitamins are safe to be taking together with B12.
We have an appointment with a Chinese Medicine Doctor next week and are hoping that he may understand and be a bit more helpful.
Thanks for listening!