Hi everyone. I'm going to France and Spain at the end of this week and want to buy some cobalamin over the counter. If I find some methylcobalamin, would I be able to take it under my tongue, or does it have to be injected? I'm IFA neg/PCA pos, so is this the best way to supplement my 2-monthly hydroxocobalamin injections? Thanks...
Methylcobalamin: Hi everyone. I'm going... - Pernicious Anaemi...

Also, can anyone recommend supplements to boost my low ferritin and folate? Thanks...
Hi Ednotdave,
You can find links to products other people have used on the PAS forum here:
You can try the lozenges, methylcobalamin being the most popular, or a mouth spray, or patches, it works for some and not others, its all a matter of trying.
If you go to the pharmacy in Spain you can just ask them what they have to up ferritin and folate, they are very knowledgeable and there is a huge choice, some far cheaper than others. But it is wise to only supplement with what you need and to keep all in balance, to much iron is just as bad as to little etc. A good multy vitamin will avoid over dosing on one vitamin/ mineral.
I personally buy a multivitamin from the healthfood shop in UK, add injectable cyanocobalamin (Optovite 12, cheap) bought in Spain, 5mg folic acid from spain (called acfo 5mg comptimidosl,cheap, I take it only once every 2 weeks, as I was deficient, but with this dosis I stay in the top end of normal range, it is not known if to much artificial folic acid may be harmfull, it is known that unmetabolised folic acid stays in the system) and now fisiogen ferro forte (exspensive) to see if I can up my iron storage which is getting lower and lower. Most people seem to like Spatone to up ferritin levels in UK, it did not raise my ferritine levels, but I take other meds that may reduce iron uptake.
You can buy a lot in Spain, they also have combigned B12/ folic acid and B6 tablets/ lozenges etc.
I believe you can buy a lot in France as well, but I've never tried it.
I hope this helps and you have a good time in France and Spain.
Kind regards,

Thanks Marre. I'm leaving on Friday, driving through France, then Spain, so I'll see what I can find. I was really wondering if injectable cobalamin could be used sublingually (tongue), or is it different/not as effective?
Hi Ednotdave,
You can take the Optovite B12 orally (you need a seringe to suck it out of the ampoule, then squirt the content 1000grammas cyanocobalamin into your mouth), Not all B12 injectable products are also suitable for oral or intravenous use. It depends on the other ingredients used in the solution, particularly preservatives used, but Optovite B12 is completely safe, pure cyanocobalamin in saline solution (it tastes a bit salty). I tried it before I learnt to self inject and yes I felt it did do something, but you have to use an ampoule daily. I found lozenges hurt my tongue and tablets did nothing to raize my B12 serum levels, but its dificult to say if that was because the products I tried (not licensed) were no good or that route of uptake does not work for me, we all are different so everything is worth a try.
Here is a translated patient leaflet that comes with Optovite B12, see:
The theory is if you take a large doses of B12 and have problems taking it up trough the IF binding to the B12 process then you can still take 1-2 percent up from swallowed B12 by passive diffusion further down the gut.
Sublingualls bypass the gastrict process and uptake is supposed to be trough the blood vessels under the tongue.
You have to leave them there a long time.
Its all worth a try, you will find that injecting is by far the cheapest solution, particularly if it is for life..
Have a nice time!!
Just to say you can read the (translated) patient information leaflets that come with the products on google by using their search, Marre.
I purchased some in Italy (Capri) recently.