Constipation solution: CONSTIPATION... - Cure Parkinson's

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Constipation solution

13 Replies



Mix together:

1. One cup apple sauce

2. One cup unprocessed wheat bran

3. 3/4 cup prune juice

Increases dietary fiber intake and promotes regular bowel function. You might have a bloated feeling and more gas when adding fiber to your diet, which will pass in a few weeks.

Begin with one to two tablespoons each evening mixed with or followed by one eight ounce glass of water or juice. After two weeks you will have softer and more regular bowel movements. If after two weeks no change occurs, slowly increase the amount to three to four tablespoons. For people with Parkinson’s they must plan to make this part of their daily routine forever.

You can store the mixture in the refrigerator or freezer. You can also freeze 1-2 tablespoon servings in sectioned ice cube trays or in foam plastic egg cartons and thaw as needed.

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13 Replies
John_morris71 profile image

Thanks. Worth trying - Nothing like nature's original supplement.

LAJ12345 profile image

Also eat less meat if you have it every day, and instead have beans and lentils every second day. That keeps things moving through🤣

GymBag profile image

Hello RoyProp

Well that recipe will work for a while but as the PD progresses, like everything else the amounts must be increased.

I am eating 2 cups All Bran Cereal soaked in milk

one cup applesauce or a couple apples and an orange

8 oz glass of prune juice or 5 prunes

followed by hot coffee

raw vegatables, celery, carrots, beans, peas with chip dip all snacks and salads at dinner

12grain whole bread, bran muffins


This is not easy to do, day after day, add a bit of meat ,some home made vegetable soup and coffee and donuts and it is my total intake. OK one or two beer .

You have given them a good starting point

Fredzu profile image
Fredzu in reply to GymBag

Plenty of water.

LindaP50 profile image

worth a try for sure!

bornsmiling profile image

If you're already plugged up, does it make sense to add large amounts of insoluble fiber to the pipeline? I'll never forget the doctor who cautioned me to "not build a beaver dam in there". Senna tea and Dulcolax work for me.

in reply to bornsmiling

Lack of bulk is my theory. When we were young we ate more food. Enough so that it would pass every day or two. Now the low consumption means the mass takes longer to build up to the quantity that encourages bowel movements.

RobertoOcana profile image

Set me straight RoyProp I thought that you had posted that HDT (High Dose Thiamin) "cured" your constipation, it hasn't mine and it looks like it hasn't yours. I gave up on B1. I would give Anything that will work on constipation BUT, after all, we are dealing with Parkinson.

Don't we wonder if the whole World tackle Parkinson like it did for coronavirus, would it had found the cure? WHO should set up some working protocolo for this type of illness!

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to RobertoOcana

High-dose thiamine works for me to restore normal peristalsis but that alone is not sufficient. I agree that a tablespoon or two of wheat bran adds appropriate bulk, but restoring moisture content is also essential. To that end I consume about 10 g of calcium ascorbate over the course of the day, added to my water. I also take 100 milligrams of docusate sodium.

jayb12 profile image
jayb12 in reply to RobertoOcana

Don't mean to be negative but the top of health care industry is not trying to cure anything it is called money care not health care. Let's be honest ... it would cost them Billons just to cure one disease they have not cured any disease in my lifetime truth is hard to swallow. pharmageddon ... A flu or a cold is easy to prevent and easy to cure I've never been sick in 7 years, last time I had the flu was when I got the flu shot.

GaryTorch profile image

Or you can just take two capsules of cascara sagrada daily... (fully natural solution)

sue2000web profile image

When my daughter was small she had this problem, and we consulted a nutritionist. She said to use oat bran, as no matter how much you had it was fine. Apparently with wheat bran it can have to opposing effect to the one required. Just worth a thought.

BeKind1 profile image

Hello. Just mixed the concoction using Hodgson Mill Unprocessed Wheat Bran right out of the box. Then I noticed way down toward the bottom on the side the message: This item is not ready to eat . It must be thoroughly cooked. Was I suppose to cook the Wheat Bran first?

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