Yesterday I had a rather extensive conversation with my acupuncturist regarding the use of grapefruit juice. Two weeks ago I shared with him the N=1 study published by Wriga on this forum. Michael was familiar with the issues. He has used grapefruit peels in the preparation of TCM medications. Also let me say that Michael is a very smart guy, a practitioner with 40 years experience, who has studied in China, Taiwan, and other places. He is also a researcher, with many TCM studies under his belt. He expressed his constant surprise that a substance as potent as GJ is for sale in every supermarket in quantities of a half gallon for $3 -$4, and wondered why there were not more medical consequences. We both laughed about that. After some discussion about my particular case he recommended a daily dose of 25ml, which is about 1/2 shot glass or 1 2/3 TBSP. He also recommended application of one week on / one week off, to offset the tendency toward the "rebound effect" which Albert mentioned in his paper. His comment was "dosage and timing are everything". I intend to try GJ out at these levels. I will post on how it goes.
Grapefruit Juice dosing, another perspective - Cure Parkinson's
Grapefruit Juice dosing, another perspective

Interesting. Lucky you to have a smart guy like Michael.
Hi, how are you doing and hoping all is well!
Just wondering if you've ever tried Grapefruit Juice and if it's working for you and using it still to reduce C/Levodopa reduction?
In addition, please kindly indicate the quantity and when to take it please if you are using GfJ still?
May I thank you in advance as a carer & my wife (diagnosed with PD 3 yrs. ago) will be grateful as well!
Can I ask what is meant by dosage and timing please ? My husband was thinking about trying grapefruit juice 😀
I’m not qualified to recommend anything, just reported what my TCM doctor told me, in the post
Hi, how are you doing and hoping all is well!
Just wondering if GJ's working for your hubby and using it still to reduce C/L reduction?
In addition, please kindly indicate the quantity and when to take it please!
May I thank you in advance as a carer & my wife (diagnosed with PD 3 yrs. ago) will be grateful as well!
Hi, how are you doing and hoping all is well!
Just wondering if you're hubby ever tried Grapefruit Juice and if it's working for him and using it still to reduce C/Levodopa reduction?
In addition, please kindly indicate the quantity and when to take it please if you are using GfJ still?
May I thank you in advance as a carer & my wife (diagnosed with PD 3 yrs. ago) will be grateful as well!
Hi, how are you doing and hoping all is well!
Just wondering if you've ever tried Grapefruit Juice and if it's working for you and using it still to reduce C/Levodopa reduction?
In addition, please kindly indicate the quantity and when to take it please if you are using GfJ still?
May I thank you in advance as a carer & my wife (diagnosed with PD 3 yrs. ago) will be grateful as well!
I can attest to GJ effect. My husband was doing extremely well drinking it every morning on an empty stomach. He had to stop it due to blood thinners he was put on by his cardiologist for his upcoming stenting. Just can't wait till he can start drinking it again.
Good to hear from you Despe, I hope things are going well with you both.
Good to hear from you, too, Albert! Will keep you posted once he starts GJ again.
Your contributions across many topics are helpful, Despe -I hope my spouse gets educated someday to support me like you do for your spouse. 🎖
Amy, thank you! Anything I can do to help my husband and all the good people here on HU, I am doing it. I have spent a considerable amount of time, mostly late in the evening after my husband goes to bed, searching, reading and educating myself about PD. I guess I have declared war against PD, hahaha Perseverance is my driving force which my husband lacks--unfortunately.
At times I wish I had PD rather than him as I am very determined and motivated to do whatever it takes to achieve my goals.
Hi, how are you doing and hoping all is well!
Just wondering if GJ's working for your hubby and using it still to reduce C/L reduction?
In addition, please kindly indicate the quantity and when to take it please!
May I thank you in advance as a carer & my wife (diagnosed with PD 3 yrs. ago) will be grateful as well!
That was 4 years ago. A lot has happened since then, my husband fell and had a vertebra (C4) fracture, spent a month in the hospital and another two months in rehab hospital/facility. He has been fighting UTIs which exacerbates symptoms tremendously. His last trip to ER was a few days ago as his catheter, which was placed while in the hospital, malfunctioned (balloon) erupted and almost lost his life, as he developed body bacteria. Fast forward, no, he is not drinking GJ, instead he takes Vitamin C with his combination of Sinemet and MP. Having said that, I would highly encourage your wife to continue with GJ, but you have to make sure GJ is not contraindicated with meds she takes.
Hi reedboat2,
Thanks for this new thread. I have a few comments.
Since the thread is isolated from the original discussion and files, I will be adding a couple of links so that people can find their way around.
You're right that Grapefruit juice is potent, but this fruit was around and perfectly safe long before Big Pharma introduced the toxic drugs that cause the body to generate large quantities of CYP3A4 to get rid of them and so need to be given at high doses in order to function. Its these drugs that make GJ dangerous, not the inverse.
About dosing: I'm pretty sure that 25ml is too low a dose to create the rebound effect. It may or may not have a small positive effect on half life life, but is more likely to have an effect on the effective dose since it will inhibit CYP3A4 firstly in the gut and is unlikely to have much effect on the liver.
On the other hand, the one week on, one week off schedule, if used at a higher dose, is the PERFECT SCHEDULE TO CAUSE THE REBOUND EFFECT during the off week.
Please download and read the original article.
Keep us informed.
For newcomers, please read the texts and comments in the original thread. This is where you'll find most of the answers to your questions.
Hi, how are you doing and hoping all is well!
Just wondering if GfJ's working for you and using it still to reduce C/L reduction?
In addition, please kindly indicate the quantity and when to take it please!
May I thank you in advance as a carer & my wife (diagnosed with PD 3 yrs. ago) will be grateful as well!
Have a good weekend!
that post was 4 years ago. For the past year I’ve been on Keto diet. No more GFJ. Keto rule: don’t drink your fruit. Best regards- JG