I’m 22 I recently had a cat scan that said mild pancreatic duct dilation in the head and neck measuring to 4mm I’m supposed to have an mri but I’m very afraid because everything I look up is bad I’m sorry I just need some insight because I’m terrified especially because it’s only in the head and neck. I’m noticing a little pain in my mid abdomen & back after I eat but I only noticed it after these findings I can’t tell if it’s in my head or not
Afraid I have pancreatic cancer - Pancreatic Cancer...
Afraid I have pancreatic cancer

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Jump to repliesHi Alex
How did you come to have a cat scan ? Was you having tummy problems … you are very young to have pancreatic cancer , but I can understand your worried as I bet you’ve googled the life out of what they have told you , like most of us do.
Do have your MRI . And yes your head does play tricks on us all ! Been there got the T-shirt…
Iam having scan on my abdomen and pelvis next Monday , as Iam suffering with pains in my upper abdomen which keeps me awake at night !, Iam imagining all sorts , It’s been going on for about 2 months !! Bloods test normal, stool test normal …I lost one of my very close friends with pancreatic cancer , so it’s always on my mind !,
But keep us posted how your doing !
All the best
Thanks for responding I had a ct scan for lower left abdominal which is completely unrelated my doctor thinks I have ibs & yes Google has scared the living day lights out of me I have an mri in 2 weeks and I’m afraid to even read the results
Good morning,I experienced this and the cause was not digesting food properly they put me on enzymes which work great they are called creon.try not to worry its hard I know but isn't good for your stress level .do let me know how you go on .regards Poppy
It was just enlarged in the head?
What other tests have you had so far ,please don't visit doctor Google you can't diagnose yourself and cause yourself unessary worry ,let me know how you go on ,Poppyx
Hi im 22 years old im experiencing some discomfort under my left rib cage did you experience and discomfort or pain right know im really scared and im worried as well.
Its like a constant dull feeling it feels like something is there
How long has it been going on? And did it occur before, after or during you’re other issues? It’s very unlikely that you have pancreatic cancer or colon cancer but I know hearing that isn’t enough when you’re anxious a constantly feeling symptoms. I heard so many times about how I’d most likely be okay but it goes into one ear & out the other & the symptoms feel so real it’s scary. Now that I’ve gotten my results (which everything was clear) I’m able to think more clearly and reading your post reminds me of myself when I was in that situation. feel free to ask me any questions or even if you just need someone to talk to because I know how it feels I’m so sorry you have to go through this
Never mind I see you said 8 months on your page. If you don’t mind me asking what color is the blood? How does it look?
It was Bright red right no im replying to u im in discomfort i don’t know what’s going in my body i just want to feel normal again my left rib has a slight bulge to it im worried as hell and feeling pain the same time. The last time i did a blood test the doctor referred me immediately to go do a colonoscopy which came back good now im waiting for the results from another blood test that i did a few days ago hopefully everything the results came back good.
The good news is that you had a colonoscopy which typically rules out everything that’s scary. Let me know how your blood results come back
Sure will do i hope its just anxiety because recently I’ve been going through alot of stress regarding my family life but I’ll just wait for the results.
Okay and feel free to ask anymore questions or even if you just need to talk to release some stress. If it makes you feel any better, in the weeks of me waiting to get my mri I was literally so convinced that I had something because the pain was so real. I always knew stress could cause pain but I never knew it could like that. I had stabbing pains in both my rib cages and my sternum. Some days it just permanently felt like someone punched me there, other times I could be burning & I thought there was no way I could feel these things & not have something. & I couldn’t find any articles of people feeling the same pains I had only because of stress but it is very possible. And i was also dealing with family stress at the same time too. All that plus a health scare can really make your body do some crazy things so just keep that in mind
Yeah a thing that distracted my mind from the situation is talking and reconnecting with my former class mate it really makes me feel at ease but when im alone by my self oh lord thats when my thoughts and the pain gets more noticeable.
I was the exact same. And that within itself should help you realize that you’re most likely fine. I didn’t realize it then but I see it now. I’d feel okay when our with family having fun but when I got home and increasingly kept googling symptoms is when every felt horrible