Hi can anyone advise me if I can get Micropor... - Pain Concern
Hi can anyone advise me if I can get Micropore tape on prescription from my doctor its for my Tens machine ?

Hi Pirate,
I'm pretty sure I had some previously on prescription to help with dressings. I think a GP would be able to do it if they beleive its required for you.
To check if you definately CAN get it on prescription, you could give a pharmacy a call and ask if they receive prescriptions for it. They could help instead of wasting time getting a doctor appointment or call back.
Hope you get your answer.
Hi, I work in a pharmacy and YES you can get micropore on prescription however it is down to the doctors surgery's policy on prescribing as to whether or not they will prescribe it for you. Most surgerys have a nurse who can prescribe certain items so it might be easier to speak to them than a doctor.
hope that helps
Just a point, I need special plasters cos of allergies and have Fixomull. I was told it would be over £20 at Boots and found it in a chiropodists catalogue so ordered some and got it for £2.50 a roll of 10 metres. I hasten to add this was over 20 years ago. Plan...look on ebay or internet search engine first if you cannot get it on prescription.
I think micro pore is quite cheap in chemists tho
Rowantree hi as I use 4 blue padds that I have to put on it takes a lot of Micropore to keep the padds in place. Again thanks.
very cheap about £2.50 max
I thought that too rowantree, although it may depend on how much is used at a time. Might be cheaper tyo get it via prescription.

Zanna hi and you are correct in what you say and as I use a lot the prescription method would be ideal. Thanks.
Thought it was to cheap to get it on script, if its for TENS you should be able to get the stuff, One thing you need too think of is self sticking pads you will most probably get those from a phsyio, or your doctor, they are better when travelling around.
If you go to a chemist you can get stuff at zero vat as it is for a medical condition, if you deal with a company dealing with tens machines you can sign a certificate and they will charge you zero Vat, when required as you are disabled
All the best
There is a company by the name Coloplast , it has a lot of product to take care the ulcers, ask your doctor if your insurance covers the expences.