Followig on from a previous question re the issuing of a new Blue Badge now that the new rules are in place, I would like to report that I received my new badge today - Whoop, Whoop!! So there is hope for others in the same position as me. Good luck y'all!
Blue Badge: Followig on from a previous... - Pain Concern
Blue Badge

is this for only fibromyalgia? sorry to ask im getting turned down could you tell me how dla for some and badges for some and not others ? its so confusing i dont know whether im writing the wrong things in answers to the questions they ask
Morning Fairytails - sorry that I couldn't reply last night. I get mine for small fibre neuropathy and although I had one last year, because of the change in rules I really didn't think that I would get one this year, so I was really glad when it came in the post yesterday - though it does mean that I am rather a demic and wibble wobble on my feet!! My only advice to you is to go to the Citizens Advice Bureau and ask for their help. They really are expert at filling in these complex forms. I applied for DLA too - I didn't want a car or pots of money, just a wee hand with the cost of fuel as I have to drive everywhere. Needless to say, I was turned down, mainly as there was no proper diagnosis at that time and also because I can walk and am not paralysed. I'm afriad the pain aspect of our various conditions doesn't even get on the radar! My neurologist said that one of her patients with Parkinson's Disease couldn't get any help! I also wonder if each Local Authority has different criteria. Good luck with your application. Maggie x x
Maggiet. can you tell me what small fibre neuropathy is? Is it short sharp pains for nor easons on the legs and knees?
Hi Skeggy - mine started with a feeling that my socks had crumpled up in my shoes and that my feet were tingling. It has progressed to pain in my legs, feet, hands and arms! The best thing I can advise is that you Google a reputable web site for SFN and it will give you all the signs and symptoms as there are too many to list here. I went to see my GP as soon as it started and I am now under the care of 2 consultant neurologists. They have ruled out any 'nasties' - like MS, brain tumour etc - which is obviously a HUGE relief but have as yet to find the cause of my problems, which is often the case. Their task now is to try to control the pain. Please see your GP if you haven't already done so. If you have SFN there are plenty of drugs that can help - it's just my bad luck that I can't tolerate them!! Good luck with everything and I hope you get an answer soon x x