My daughter had a stroke 12 months ago and suffers badly from fatigue She is working but thats all Wonder if there is any research going on or if anyone has a "magic "cure Her energy levels are finite once gone there is no way you can recharge the levels needed for a normal life A bad day and she is exhausted
POST STROKE FATIGUE: My daughter had a stroke... - Pain Concern

Hi sorry to hear ,hope she gets a good recoveryMaybe back to work to quick as well
Fatuige is bad very bad just like pain etc
If it's chronic just like
It's hard to medicate etc none seem to help
Only tools and tips seem to help a it better
Lots have lower quality of life and give up work as well
And have to go on benefits
Universal credit
Some tools
Pacing little bits not chunks
Sleep sorted and routine
Give yourself 1 to 2 hours to function in the morning
Less stress
Research no sure
I used to be a member of the
M.E Association
You could start there for fatuige tips And join and ask them about
Research etc
Aa reply below
There's lots of
Stoke association and charity's etc they could maybe point in right direction
Looking it up it says it varys upto 6 years for lots
After a stroke
The chest heart and stroke charity might be of help , also an occupational might be able to give advice. I don’t think there is a miracle cure , but help with managing her life to conserve energy might make a difference, best wishes.

Hello greybird1941
Sorry to hear your daughter is still struggling with fatigue after a stroke 12 months ago. I wonder if you have reached out to any charities specific to strokes, such as the Stroke Association?
Before I look in to resources we have that may help, please can you tell me if your daughter is also experiencing pain? This will help me locate the best resources we have.
-Pain Concern UK
There is indeed a lot of research into post-stroke fatigue. Have you ever used Google Scholar?
There are a lot of research papers there, just put stroke fatigue into the search box.
Has she shared this with her clinicians? There should be someone that will support her. It could be causes by inflammation or similar, but generally it seems that post-stroke fatigue is a physical thing, not a psychological thing, so just pushing through isn't going to help. Does she know about pacing?
And depending on where she works, they maybe have an occupational health officer at work that should be supporting her too.
Her body is trying to heal and recover. She needs to not work or reduce her hours but rest and recover (if possible ). She will have a longer recovery time or more complications if she doesn't listen to her body and rest.
You need to increase Glutathione levels and take regular B12 injections Also take N Acetyl cystein which is precursor of Glutathione take milk latte daily and one raw garlic clove daily before food homeopathy offers good solution for recovery of brain cells Lachnenthas 1m is the drug of choice consult a good Homeopath also