My girlfriend has been struggling with a constant headache for 2 years now. It's accompanied by muscle pain in the neck and shoulders. It's taking its toll, mentally, emotionally, and financially. We've seen so any doctors both private and on the NHS. We've tried Botox, acupuncture, prolozone therapy, migraine medication, prescribed opioids, chiropractor, massages done for many months, neurologist, ent. She's run out of hope and I don't know how much longer she can cope. We can't rely on the NHS because anything they want to try has a waiting list of two years and going privately is difficult as we're both students and she can't work because of her constant pain. Just wanted to know if anyone had any ideas...
2 years with constant headache and muscle pain - Pain Concern
2 years with constant headache and muscle pain

I'm no expert but I believe these symptoms could be due to TMS which I have myself, with different symptoms, but they can vary very widely. Search "the mindbody syndrome". Also the Tell Me About Your Pain Community on Facebook is very good.
Hi there,
Has any doctor mentioned cervicogenic head pain which is caused by arthritis at the top of the cervical spine, it can also cause facial pain particularly around the eyes. I have it, along with other spinal conditions and is extremely painful at times, it causes sensitivity on my scalp & vice like pain all around my head, even combing my hair hurts.
I hope your girlfriend can be given a diagnosis and find relief.
Kind Regards,
Yes, one doctor had given that diagnosis, we’ve tried nerve blocks and PT but nothings worked so far
Hi there,
Has your girlfriend had an MRI scan? I notice in a later reply you mention x rays being taken that indicate that she has a straight neck rather than a curved one. It’s something else that I have, it’s called lordosis & that can cause muscle spasms in the neck, base of skull & upper trapezius.
In my case I had a disc prolapse at c5/6 following a road traffic collision, the beginning of my troubles!
Has your girlfriend got any referred nerve pain, from the neck potentially into her fingers or thumbs, can be one sided or bilateral?
I certainly recommend an MRI to highlight any involvement of the soft tissues.
Kind Regards,
She should have a complete thyroid panel done (TSH, FT3, FT4, antibodies) and Vitamins.
I am sorry to hear about your girlfriend’s pain. Has she had a neck xray? I struggled with similar pain, xrays showed arthritis in my neck, the arm and headaches were caused by nerve compression in my neck. After many years of doctors telling me I must be sleeping improperly I went to arthritis specialist. She told me it was my neck. Gave me an exact diagnosis cervical spondylitis. A soft neck collar and learning how to sleep, not easy helped and physical therapy. This is my neck,headache and arm pain story but I hope it helps, stay in touch.

She’s had X-rays and all they can find is a slight curvature of the spine but she has got a straight neck. She’s invested in an orthopaedic pillow and uses that. Thank you for your reply
Sounds like there are no easy answers for your condition that sounds chronic in nature. Huge sympathies as I lived with chronic pain for 3 years, it's mentally and physically grinding but don't give up.
I had botox but for severe spasms driven by a back arthritis problem. I would speculate that your neurological and muscular systems are over sensitised and overreact to the root cause of your pain (body's safety mechanism kicking in as I've learned) . This is what happened to me and it took an age for my back to normalise and accept movement as normal. It sounds like in the short term dampening down the pain (meditation and chat with others experiencing similar issues was my saviour) would be a win until a full diagnosis is possible.
Not sure the extent to which you have had an MRI or CT scans but this should confirm or eliminate arthritis or soft tissue issue pressing on nerves for instance. If this is eliminated you could focus on getting the best Neurological expert to check you over. Maybe some of the contributors can suggest an specific expert but there are websites where Neurologists are ranked and this might help select an expert in your area to see.
Don't give up. I had exhausted all my avenues until I got a 4th or 5th consultant to look at my symptoms as they all come at it from a different angle. Then I got a clearer path to my recovery and I'm sure you will too.