Does anyone here with crps/rsd feel hot all the time? I feel hot 24/7 especially in my face and I heard that CRPS causes autonomic nervous system functioning which would include temperature control. I also have hot flashes and feel hot all the time do you having low estrogen and also I take Tramadol which can make you feel hot as well. I just wondered though if any of this is coming from the CRPS itself.. if anyone could let me know if you experience this or if you know if this is a symptom of the CRPS or what you think please let me know.
Does anyone with CRPS / RSD feel hot all the ... - Pain Concern
Does anyone with CRPS / RSD feel hot all the time?
I was diagnosed with CRPS and looked into it a bit. It's common for the affected area to get warm sometimes but not the whole body, I think there must another reason for that.
Okay thank you!See I've heard both and I wasn't sure.
I know this probably sounds odd because you are only young but you are not going through the menopause are you? I had hot flushes especially in the face and body until I started on HRT which has helped now. I started with the menopause when I was 48 which was a bit younger than usual, so I would get your doctor to check that out if you have not already done so. I have CRPS and I don't think this is the reason. xx
Imagine, yes I had considered that that might be menopause because I am 39 and I went to a gynecologist and endocrinologist who tested me and said that yes and no. See I'm not technically in menopause but yet my body thinks that it is because I am not producing any estrogen or if I am very very little due to having anorexia for 27 years and still currently being underweight and not having periods.
They both suggested that that is why I'm having the hot flashes however they did not say if that is why I am feeling hot all the time as they did not know anything about if the Tramadol might be contributing or if the anxiety is contributing which they suspect the anxiety is contributing. And of course they don't know anything about RSD. So they both suggested that I start HRT which I did last Thursday so it's only been a week that I've been on the estrogen patch and progesterone pill at night. I'm not feeling any relief and I know it's only been a week but I'm dying here.
I'm just so scared that the HRT isn't going to work considering the fact that I've got so many different things making me hot so my biggest prayer is that the hot flashes and feeling hot 24/7 especially in my face is all being caused by the low estrogen because if that's the case then I'm hoping that the HRT will take it all away.
Did the menopause thing make you feel hot 24/7 especially in your face as this is what I'm going through and I'm not sure if that's a low estrogen sign or not to feel hot all the time especially in your face but everywhere as well? Also could you tell me how long it took for the HRT to take away your hot flashes? I've only been on it a week and so far I'm not feeling any difference so I was hoping that it just hasn't kicked in yet.

I have been on HRT for quite a long time now, 8 years in all. I started on one called Toberlone sounds like the chocolate haha, which was rubbish, it made my sex drive disappear, so my doctor put me on a different one which is called Premarin and that is even worse. They both haven't worked for me and I have the added loss of libido. I used to be highly sexed but now it is none existed it has been 8 years luckily I have an understanding husband. It has worked for my hot flushes though. I am speaking to my doctor about changing it again so that my sex drive comes back. xx
Hi again, I hope you are doing well. I was wondering if you remembered how long it took for your hot flashes to go away when she started hrt? I've only been on the estrogen patch now for 13 days but I'm not getting any relief and I'm not sure if that's normal. I'm just so discouraged because I really want this to work for my severe hot flashes and I'm so afraid it's not going to. Did it take a while for it to kick in to take the hot flashes away? Like how long did it take before you started getting relief from your hot flashes and feeling hot all the time?

The hot flushes went away very quickly but I stopped taking my HRT for a while because in the long term it can raise blood pressure and could cause some cancers. I had a review yesterday and the pharmacist is changing my HRT to a spray that I put under my forearm but I have to have my blood pressure taken first. My doctor doesn't do this anymore, so I have to get it down by a chemist and then I have to send my results to them. I think this is absolutely ridiculous if I didn't have the internet what would I do? My husband doesn't even know how to switch a computer on so he would really struggle if he was on his own. I haven't had a review for 4 years which is disgusting, even the pharmacist couldn't believe it because it is dangerous not to have it checked, she told me it has to be done every 3 /6 months and not to have it on repeat prescription, which I did. I would give it about a couple of months and see if your hot flushes ease a bit, it should do by them. xx
Oh I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through. I hope that works out for you. Well I hope that you're right that it just hasn't been enough time but I really wish that it would kick in soon as I'm getting very worried. I just hope something will work and I'm hoping this will be the thing that works and that it just needs a little bit more time.thank you
Oh well sorry about that.But I glad it worked for your hot flashes as that the thing I really care about. So I hope mine will work for me and my hot flashes and feeling hot all the time soon. I don't know how long it takes to kick in but I hope soon.
I have CRPS in both feet and legs and I'm totally the other way I freeze all the time my hands and feet always feel like ice cubes.