Hi everyone spoke to Painmanagement today we have agreed to try the injection for piriformis consultant said he will try rush it through as I've bern suffering nearly one year now. Discussed the morphine patch but we agreed dont think it make much difference so 🤞🤞🤞 I get it soon. Will keep you posted
Steroid guided injection : Hi everyone spoke to... - Pain Concern
Steroid guided injection

Hi Betsy 50
I have had a steroid injection for a lumbar problem and it did give me some relief which gradually wore off. Then I had to have surgery to correct a stenosis problem. I then found a site on the internet which is called" back in shape program". This site is very informative but you will have to become member for a monthly fee. You can also get a weekly podcast which is good. They do a special article on Piriformis problems which I am sure you would find informative.
good luck
Hi kemptville thanks for replying. Oh that sounds good need to look into that. It's just so so sore nearly one year now cant take anymore. Thanks for that hope you ate well today
I have X-ray guided steroid injections into my arthritic thumb joint, while they work for a few months I’m usually ready for another after 3 months so don’t be downhearted if it wears off you should be able to have it 3 x a year
Hi Betsy, I've been on morphine for such a long time and am now doing a slow reduction. I was on 600mg a day (which is a lot) now I'm down to 140mg a day!! Don't get me wrong it's been a struggle at times but it needs to be done. Hopefully I'll be changed to a patch called buprenorphine. I have had the steroids injections in the earlier days then had an operation on my spine, but like others say, the injections soon wear off. I have a spinal fusion now but my discs are crumbling. I do need another op but the consultant has now said he won't do it because of my age and copd. So it looks like medication is my only relief. Hopefully you get sorted with some pain relief too. If you have any questions I'll try to answer them.Good luck,
Hi peggysue12345 thanks for replying. Omg that's a heavy dose I was on 40mg tablet form but I weaned myself off them after 6 years it took 6 weeks in total but I'm glad I done it didnt like the way they made me feel but now I'm on patch form but it's a low dose mixed with other meds. I'm the same they wont go near me as I have alot of scar tissue unless it was an emergency like last time as I took cauda equine syndrome so like you need to live with it. I've had this piriformis for a year now physio just not helping some of the electric shocks down leg unbelievable well that's what it feels like !!!! Hopefully the steroid guided injection works I'm so so desperate. Hope you are well today take care
Hi Betsy, I don't know if your the same but I have good days and bad, if you can call them good.What is piriformis? And the cauda equine syndrome.?
Hope the injections work for you, I know how desperate you feel. We clutch at different meds ect hoping that it'll be the thing that helps. Hopefully they will do the trick for you.
Take care
Hi peggysue12345 yes right now I'm having more bad than good tbh this pain bern going on fir a year now do at my wits end. Piriformis is a muscle in the buttock/hip area so when it goes into a spasm it's so close to the sciatic nerve it sets it off it's really painful can hardly sit all lol. Cauda equine syndrome is an emergency my disc burst and was pressing on my spinal cord it cut the nerve to my bowels so my brain doesn't get the message but fortunately it can be managed with meds I was told I was very lucky my bladder wasnt affected but you learn to live with it right ? Take care