I believe I have posted my history with regard to this recent episode of severe pain, over 3 weeks now, every day, front thigh, groin, coming from nerve pain, L2 disc, nerve impingement on nerver root, pain in back, but also redirecting to front thigh, has brought me to tears, no painkillers have worked, but Have now committted to decompression treatment , this clinic has good reputation, expensive, but go daily for first 2 weeks, then next couple weeks 2-3 times, in total 20 sessions, they use a high tech, machine, that can target the disc causing so much pain, and decompress spine, allowing disc to heal, and hopefully slide back in to place, never had so much pain in my life , its, like a burning, stabbing pain, sometimes slight relief sitting in certain position, but never completely free of pain, and then sometimes it just takes breath away ,and have a meltdown, At any rate wondering if others have had this and experience the type of decompression I am talking about, dr has referred me to back surgeon, but that will be my last resort, at myage, 75, with other health issues, on pred now over 6 1/2 years, originally diagnosed with PMR,
Nerve pain, constant over 3 weeks: I believe I... - Pain Concern
Nerve pain, constant over 3 weeks
Arvine, my sympathies, I hope you get some relief! Not the same cause in my case but groin pain can definitely drive a person crazy!
I can relate and have had success at home for treating it. If I do anything strenuous that causes the back pain, I get the same nerve pains that you refer to. I have been seeing a pain management doctor for 3 years and she has done RFA treatments on me twice and she keeps me supplied with pain killers but that doesn't always take away the pain. I will lay down on the bottom edge of the bed on my stomach. My wife will take the palm of her hand and press down on my right hip bone, way out at the end. We will hear several quick succession cracks which is the vertebrae moving back into place. The nerve pain down my leg and in my groin is gone almost instantly. Depending on your situation, it might be the left side but I would try both. Get someone to help you with this. They may need to press a little hard to get it to happen. Let me know how it goes.
Pain killers don,t help me at all with this particular pain, it is excrutiating, and brings me to tears at times, now 24 days, but have committed to getting non invasive decompression treatments with a facility that uses a high tech type of machine, you lay on a type of bed, and it targets and performs minimal stretching of spine, taking pressure of that nerve impingement, I have to go everyday for first 2 weeks, its expensive, but some of my insurance coverage will help, they have a very good reputation, and physiotherapist and orthopaedic surgeon on site, my son went twice many years ago, he had serious scatica, and was very successful for him, and he has referred many people,thinks so highly of this facility, so although a little apprehensive, I am so looking forward to some relief from this pain, at my wits end, I am a widow so just doing the slightest of movements, and looking after myself, is so very painful and difficult, but your method sounds great if it,s working for you,