Side effects...: So the amitriptyline worked... - Pain Concern

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Side effects...

vampress profile image
8 Replies

So the amitriptyline worked alright for my pain, took it down to about 5 on the scale,....but made my mood incredibly low. So my doctor switched me onto gabapentin which also worked on the same level....but gave me muscle pain. So now we're trying tramadol, again. Its working a little, which I'm glad about but not to the extent of the other two. And it' making me tired which makes work...interesting hehe!

Why is it so hard to find some relief from this pain! Hopefully when I get into the pain clinic they'll think of something else that wont give me side effects.

Hope everyone's having a good weekend so far x

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vampress profile image
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8 Replies
Steve49 profile image


Yes I take Amytriptline at 150mgs per night for my pain.

I'm also on Pregabaline 600mgs per day.

Trans Tec patches as well for my sins.

I was on Tramadol but I was told that it would make me Constapated.

Yes you will be much better off at the Pain Clinic believe me.

Hopefully they will be able to help with your meds.



You're faced with a problem all chronic pain sufferers have in that our pain is so great that we have to have powerful medication to ease the pain and the level of meds can have horrendous side effects so we have to find a balance of meds/pain , in my case I take co-codomol, gabapentin, fentanyl and when it's bad , oramorph and then I have to accept a certain level of pain.

Good luck


AnyaK profile image

I decided nearly 20 years ago that I preferred the pain to the side effects.

Flamey49 profile image

Hi vampress

Yes the side effects can be awful. I take both gabapentin and tramadol, the worst side effect for me with the gabapentin is weight gain, I have put on over 3 stones since taking it, also I get body jolts and of course tiredness, which I also get with the Tramadol, most of the time I am like a zombie, it's very hard to stay awake.

Recently I spoke to the doctor at my pain clinic about coming off the gabapentin, she advised amitriptyline with co-codomol for breakthrough pain, but she said I would have to come off the tramadol first, not looking forward to that!

But I am also worried about coming off the gabapentin as it does work and takes the edge off my pain some, and amitriptyline might not work as good, leaving me in a lot of pain.


Jenharri profile image

Yes I have those problems too. I either throw up or have other nasty side effects. I can't take Teamadol or CoDrydamol etc yet I can take CoCodamol! I can't take Fentynal patch but tolerate Butrans patch which I'm on now plus the Cocodamol and Ibuprofen for breakthrough pain. No side effects feel 'NORMAL'

Fortunately I have found the right mix. The pain clinic helped me out.

Hope you. find suitable pain relief


vampress profile image

Thankyou guys. I just feel frustrated and then because my doctor keep saying "there isn't anything else we ca try" but I've only tried those three meds plus cocodamol with naproxen and meloxycam. And clearly there are more from what you guys are on. I think my doctor is in the same mind as my consultant was...that I'm too young to be on anything strong. I don't want to be anything but I have come to terms with that I need some relief so I can keep working and doing at least some of what I love x

harryetta349 profile image

I'm taking gabapentin, MST, tramodal, amitriptylene and other meds for depression, hayfever, asthma and a stomach ulcer. I worked from leaving school up until three years ago. I find that over time my pain became worse and I have had to stop work and many of my hobbies. I understand what it feels like to not really want to be on meds at my age but feel that I can't cope otherwise. I have been bounced around from doctor to doctor without a very clear diagnosis but just keep fighting on. I understand it's hard but you have to keep trying hard to get a answer.

johnsmith profile image

This is the problem with the medical profession. Give pain killers for the symptoms and not bother to enable investigation of the cause. Pain is a symptom not a cause. The person with the pain needs to conduct investigations as to what makes the pain worse and what reduces the pain.

The investigation of the cause for pain needs education and help from the medical profession.

Is the pain caused by micro-cramps? Is the pain caused by reduced sleep which results in the loss of fine control of the muscles? Is the pain caused by over contracted muscles which are pressing on and compressing pain signalling tissue? Is the pain caused by poor posture and muscle control?

This is some of the things that need investigating by the patient with the help of the medical profession.

Hope this helps give some ideas for investigation.

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