trying to switch from 50 fentanyl patch to 10 butrans, having withdrawal and a terrible time switched 5 days ago? How long will this last?
patches: trying to switch from 50 fentanyl... - Pain Concern

I did this 3 years ago after discussion with my pain management consultant. I had to go down slowly on the Fentanyl & add a small Butrans , did this over a 4 week period . Had no side effects or withdrawal symptoms. Best get advice from your doctor , you shouldn't be changing straight over xx
thank u. I gate to report my pain dr doesn’t know anything about going off pain meds, just giving them out
my dr is going to put me back on fent 50 and I’m gonna cut back a little at a time. Thank u so much
That's brilliant news .Fentanyl is one of the most addictive drugs going , so glad your doctor has seen the light .
I didn’t find fentanyl addictive at all. I WAS dependent on my 12mcg patches as I had life threatening sleep depriving nerve pain and it helped tremendously.
I easily weaned off of it after I finally got the surgeries I needed. Fentanyl duragesic patches are wonderful for severe pain.
I also had extremely severe nerve pain which was why I was sent to the pain management team. I had been on Fentanyl 50mcg for 4 years & the consultant was very concerned on the Damage they were doing to my body . Yes they worked very well , but I listened to my consultant & reduced to Butrans xx
50 to 10 is a big jump. I took 20 for many years with zero side effects. Butrans have stopped neing prescribed now so i have Sevodyne Patches at 20. The only issue I have is that if I go without them for any reason, I have zero strength and energy and feel like I have the flu. As soon as I restart them, I am fine.
The key is the slower the better. Good luck 👍
thank u, that was a week of hell
I've been there lots of times so you have my full sympathy!The first time I suffered withdrawal I thought I was dying, when I realised I wasn't I wanted to.
I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
The slower the reduction the better as it gives your brain time to adjust between each doseage drop.
you’re right about thinking u we’re dying, and then just rather. I’m feeling much better, but kinda like a failure, but we’ll see how the cut back goes. Thanks so much for your input
it is a powerful drug but if it works for some & not for others, I’ll have to look more into those again.