Hello, does anyone suffer from these symptoms
I have nausea everyday, fatigued everyday no matter how much sleep I get. Get migraines, headaches most days. When I get migraines I get the sweats/shivering when I'm warm. Achy muscles, clench my jaw most days, palpitations, dry mouth, get numb and tingly hands/fingers at random moments. Get weak and dizzy moments, especially lately getting weak when I'm driving and nearly crashed my car. Always had a cough as long as I remember, I do vomit sometimes aswell. Have vomited blood back in December cause I was coughing so much/throat hurting.
Had a weird thing happen back in November which the 111 doctor sounded like a mild seizure, had a weird flapping noise in both my ears and my body locked as if I was trying to sneeze for about 30 seconds. Not that I realised it before, but I do get blocked/painful ears sometimes, I still get those weird flapping noises(watery sounds) in my ears, sometimes in my left, right or both.
I get weird stabbing feeling on left hand side of my chest. Sometimes I get a shooting pain through my temples in my head making me squint. When I'm sitting down, I always have to either move my fingers or my feet. Always have shaky hands.
Doctors don't think it's anything neurological. I've been ill for a long time now, can't remember the last time I felt well. I do think my immune system is low, I do get ill easily.
I do struggle with my mental health, have severe anxiety and depression.
I do smoke and vape a lot.
Since I can remember I've always struggled to get words out, stumble over my words.
Please tell me what you got diagnosed with, how to cope, how you got the doctors to do the right test for you etc.