Hi - I suffer from migraine. At the moment I get them every other week. I have tried amitriptyline, nortriptyline, topirimate etc but can't tolerate these drugs. I now use rizatriptan when the migraine starts and it does stop it though it often comes back and I have to take a second and sometimes a third dose over three days. I am wondering what other peoples experience of migraine medication has been like.
Migraine Medication: Hi - I suffer from... - Pain Concern
Migraine Medication

Imitrex nasal Inhaler ( sumatriptan) has always
worked 100% taken at first sign of the preheadache aura. Might be worth a try. etheral
I currently use Sumatriptan which is good, but it's a replacement used by the NHS as it's cheaper than Zomig which is brilliant
Hi sorry to hear you are suffering, I went through many years of terrible headaches I felt as if the front of my head was being crushed, nothing seemed to make much difference. Turns out it was because of rhinitis, I do a nasal rinse everyday and beclometasone dipropionate nasel spray twice a day.
It still plays up occasionally if I've been somewhere dusty or smokey. Or just because I need reminding lol
I still get a sharp pain behind my ear occasionally, means I need to look after myself better.
Drink plenty of clean water, see if there is certain food that triggers it, chocolate can trigger a Migraine with some people. It can also be something you are not eating, our food is so lacking in vitamins and minerals laced with all sorts of muck. Our bodies need help. Vitamin D is essential for all sorts of reasons.
I take it you've do the darkened room with a damp cloth over your eyes.
Hope this helps
Thanks for this - I do also suffer from rhinitis and I do use a sinus rinse - I know I also have migraine and sometimes I'm not sure what is causing the headache - though I'm sure getting into a routine of sinus rinsing is a good idea. I do take supplements and including vitamin D, B12 and Magnesium. I tend to use wheat bag as warmth is soothing.
I'm wondering whether I have a habitual stress reaction which is being reinforced by using rizatriptan
Sounds as if you are on top of it, with the nasal rinse do you buy the packs or use sea salt. I've found adding some colloidal silver to the rinse helps. I make my own so it very cheap. Has you doctor given you a nasel spray as well?
Migraines feed on stress, not such an easy one to avoid the way the world is at the moment. I find Exercising helps, I've got a damaged spine and until i started taking creatine monohydrate i had ra. Its still their lets me know evertime i take a break from the creatine. I am limited in what I can do but still manage a pretty reasonable work out considering.
I use the nasal salt sachets from Neilsmed. I can't remember who recommended it but the bottle they sell has to be replaced every 3 months and I haven't found a source of bottles without salt - I have a ridiculous number of salt sachets. I do exercise and I have phases when it's really helpful then I get out of balance and I'm in discomfort again. It got bad after a car accident - I have a damaged peroneal tendon so my body is out of balance. By ra - do you mean rheumatoid arthritis - this runs in my family and my niece has recently developed it quite badly so I'm interested that creatine monohydrate helps it
I've got the same bottle, you "don't", need to replace it every three months that's marketing...My first bottle I had for 8 years, no problems what so ever. It's only holding salt water why would it need replacing?
The specialist gave me it, saying this is a new treatment for the condition,,, it's actually a 2,000 year old yoga treatment lol
I put it down to them not being able to recommend alternative therapy.
The colloidal silver I've been adding to the rinse for around 6 months, I was getting the occasional headache and warning pain behind my ear, and with so many bugs going around I thought it was worth a try. So far it's been very effective.
Hi thereI take sumatripton 100mg as soon as the pain starts. It works so well for me. I'm given 6 tabs per month. Apparently they're quite expensive.
Just as an aside, I no longer eat chocolate or any cheese as these bring on a migraine. Even 1 small piece of chocolate brings on the pain! I can eat vegan cheese, Thank goodness its widely available. I'm a pestigarian (sp?). I rely on ready meals but most vegetarian meals have cheese, so I tend to go for fish meals or vegan ones.
Hope you're able to get some help.
Take care. ♥️
It's 'pescatarian' I reckon! Great that you found the importance of diet. Dietary allergy/sensitivity plays big role in many things. 40 yrs ago I was checked by a pendulum dowser, who told me my weak points included dairy products. I cut out the cheese, cream, butter, and hey presto!..... no more migraines! So much better than pills with their usual side effects. Do keep on looking for these alternatives 'remedies'. Cheers Timbow
Hi. I've had migraine since I was eleven, never pinpointed a cause. I take OTC pink migraleve at the first sign of an aura and it works well for me preventing a headache developing.
I find Migraleve pink very good too so I was going to suggest it but you beat me to it.😊
back in the day after years and years of awful migraines and lack of help I was one of the first users of sumatriptan which changed my life. Total control of the situation so long as I took a pill at the first sign, so I had to carry them everywhere. Even better later in life the migraines disappeared altogether. haven't had one for about 25 years!!
I also have issues with migraines on and off sometimes they last a day or two and my worse one lasted a week and then I go weeks sometimes months without a migraine and wake up to start the whole migraine nightmare all over again and meds have not worked for me.
I can’t offer help or solutions but I can tell you I never had migraines until I lost my thyroid.
That's interesting - I used to have them now and again but now they are more frequent.