Gastritis : gastritis pain unbearable none of... - Pain Concern

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ruthytoothy52 profile image
12 Replies

gastritis pain unbearable none of my medication are working started vomiting with it feel really unwell saw emergency doctor who prescribed something that doesn't work dont know what to do

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ruthytoothy52 profile image
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12 Replies
Bevvy profile image

Sorry to hear you are struggling so much. Suggest you go back to regular gp because they actually know you as opposed to an emergency doctor who can only deal with you purely by symptoms. Your own gp will be able to consider symptoms, possible interactions of other medications and knowledge of you. However if symptoms get worse with pain etc and unable to contact own gp, you will have no option but to contact 111. Gastric pain can have many, many different causes so worsening symptoms need to be paid attention to.

weathervane profile image

Its awful that you are going though this , i have had episodes in the past . I take lansoprazole and gaviscon advance if things are bad . I would try eating a very plain diet until things settle. I hope you find what is causing it . Best wishes.

Lifeisapain profile image

where are you feeling the pain ruthyroothy52?

I agree with limiting your diet to plain food. I have various gastro issues including pancreatitis which took a long time to diagnose. I eat porridge made with water to calm it down then introduce other plain foods gradually when I have a flare.

See your gp if you’re in that much pain. Referrals take so much time. Better to get the ball rolling.

Bumblebee288 profile image
Bumblebee288 in reply to Lifeisapain

gastritis pain is in upper abdominal region below bust and just above bellybutton im on 40mg of pantomprazole been on it a year not working, a cup of boiling water use to help but doesn't doctors said eat small meals little and often getting an appointment is impossible my consultant sent an appointment for january thats too far

Lifeisapain profile image
Lifeisapain in reply to Bumblebee288

pancreas pain is in the same place so worth bearing in mind, although that can go through to the shoulder blades at times. Do you have bowel changes when it happens? Not trying to diagnose, just making sure you don’t miss something important.

If it’s so bad it’s making you feel sick you should go to a walk in centre or call 111. You could ask your gp to request an earlier appointment if it’s possible?

Haz58 profile image

have you tried Buscopan? It stops the pain spasms you get with gastritis. Helped me a lot when I had gastritis recently. They also doubled my omeprazole.

Karjade profile image

You need to go back to your GP and asked to be referred for an Endoscopy to see what is going on. I was the same and I tried everything before I was referred and I was then diagnosed with Barrett’s Oesophagus. I take Esomeprazole and have an endoscopy every 2/3 years as Barrett’s can turn nasty if left.

Konagirl60 profile image

I’m truly sorry your pain is so dreadful.

Just wondering? Have you ever been tested for food allergies? Perhaps a thorough testing could help identify which fruits, vegetables, meats etc. that your digestive system cannot tolerate.

I had a friend rushed by ambulance to an ER just two days ago with terrible stomach pain. She is allergic to strawberries! She had been invited out for dinner and the dessert had strawberries in it. She was afraid of offending her hostess and ate the dessert. Within two hours she had to go to ER.

Just another angle to consider. Thinking of you.

Blackknight1989 profile image

Lifeisapain is dead on with the pancreatitis concern. I’ve been told I was going to die twice (so far) in my life. Once in 1996 with my CKD initial diagnosis that turned into AKI 4 days later because of an incompetent doctor causing me to flatline in the ER, 4 months on a vent, 6 in ICU and in 2001 when diagnosed with severe pancreatitis that put me in the hospital for a month. Luckily my wonderful wife straightened the doctor out and he fixed me. She had to pitch a fit though…lol. Surely if you went to the ER they would have tested for the cause of your belly pain and ruled out pancreatitis. However, I have my doubts after 24 months on this site reading the too many stories of incompetent doctors. So see your GP asap and ASK about pancreatitis would be what I would do. Most of us have the stomach issues and they can be reasonably managed with diet and/or medication or both so there is another issue you are suffering from. Best of luck!

Tjwa profile image

Gastritis is horrific pain it has taken me years to find the right meds for me.

Which is omeprazole i have to increase it for a flare up, and have to avoid a lot of medication and certain types of foods.

See your Gp and get a referral to a gastroenterologist asap. They'll get you booked in for any tests needed.

You got this

CalmEddie777 profile image

Zinc carnosine will help gastritis. Cabbage juice is also great. Did you verify if your were negative for H-Pylori? Also work on your gut lining. Increase your akkermansia with diet. That helps maintain a strong gut lining.

NikoletaSau profile image

I hope you get well soon. I know, it is very unpleasant not knowing what is happening in our body. Could it be inflammation of the stomach? It's hard to say, because you didn't specify exactly where you feel the pain. So try reading this article, you might find a potential answer there

Hope you get relief soon


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