does anybody know much or anything about pain in the feet? I’ve read in lots of places but hearing from people who have experienced it would be better. My heels r in so much pain - starting in the middle of the feet but the main pain is the heel
foot pain: does anybody know much or anything... - Pain Concern
foot pain
The foot is the most amazing part of the body. It has loads of bones, ligaments and muscles. for instance there is a band of tissue that runs between your heal bone and the base of your toes called the plantar fascia, and like any soft tissue in the foot it can become inflamed.
But I am sure you know that we can't diagnose things here, so the best thing to do is see a podiatrist. They are the experts on all things below the knee, and they know more than most GPs about feet. They can be seen on the NHS, some surgeries now have podiatrists working in them, in others they will be at your community hospital. In some areas you can self refer, and in others you have to go through your GP. So have a look on the internet for podiatry your area within the NHS and see which pathway is used locally. Alternatively you can ring your surgery and the receptionist who are supposed to be care navigators now, can direct you to them.
And good luck, I hope you can get some relief soon. Because the other thing about feet is that they have loads of nerve endings so they really are a pain!
Hello Junny123. In Feb 2017, I started getting really sick with sinus/ear infections and pneumonia. I started seeing different doctors to get a diagnosis but no luck with that for months. At one point, my feet started swelling and particularly my right foot. It got to where I had to use a cane to limp along. After 4 months, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that caused severe joint pain throughout my body. I ended up with neuropathy in both feet but my right foot hurt so bad, I was in pain. The heel and the arch were extremely painful so I went to see a podiatrist. He gave me cortisone injections in both places which didn't seem to help that much. He gave me a heel boot that was inflatable to help cushion it. I also had a cloth band that you wrap around the arch area of the foot and it's held in place by velcro. That eased the pain slightly coming from the arch. I thought I had plantar fasciitis but that was not the case. As cyberbarn pointed out, there are many bones/joints in the foot so I believe the disease I had damaged the joints so badly that it's hard for me to wear shoes. In your case, I can only suggest getting the steroid injections and ask for a heel boot to see if that helps.