scalp pain: Hi, Im a 26 year old student from... - Pain Concern

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scalp pain

Emu567 profile image
30 Replies


Im a 26 year old student from wales . For the past 3 months I have felt this incredibly uncomfortable, itchy burning sensation underneath my scalp on my left side . The pain improved temporarily in the last couple of days but has come back with a vengeance today .

It is completely unbearable . I cannot concentrate , revise or talk to friends as the discomfort is too intense . I thought it had improved but it has come back today and I am very distressed and upset by it .

It is damaging my mental health , affecting my relationships and stopping me from doing anything .

Has anyone got any suggestions on how to deal with that? The discomfort is making me cry and is causing me depression

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Emu567 profile image
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30 Replies
Bevvy profile image

Have you been to gp? What do they think it is? I’m wondering about shingles? That could cause symptoms you are describing but you do need to speak to a doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Joyes profile image

I have a rash in the back of my head the doctor has given me special shampoo no pain though could be shingles have you seen the doctor

Anacho profile image

Could be 'Trigeminal Neuralgia' (TN)which involves pressure on the trigeminal nerve. Only felt on one side of the scalp. Even the slightest touch on the scalp causes intense pain. At least it did for me, a few years ago. It resolved naturally for me. There is a TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA ASSOCIATION UK. There is a helpline: 01883 370314Of course, it may not be TN

Good luck with your researches, and I hope your pain eases soon, emu

Jaff1 profile image
Jaff1 in reply to Anacho

How did it resolve naturally if you don't mind me asking?

Emu567 profile image
Emu567 in reply to Jaff1

I would like to know that too as I am in complete discomfort and pain at the moment . Unable to feel pleasure unable to be happy , constant chronic discomfort. It’s unbearable and it’s been like this for over a year . Unable to enjoy eating , taking a hot bath makes it worse , lack of pleasure in everything I do just discomfort all the time

Emu567 profile image

Hi ,I have been to the doctor about it and they have prescribed me amitryptilline 10 mg. So far it hasn’t helped with the pain and discomfort. I feel this intense discomfort on the other side of my scalp as well . It is so uncomfortable it is making me cry and also depressing me

Emu567 profile image

The intense discomfort is stopping me sleeping, enjoying anything and I’m in constant pain throughout the day - it really really hurts

Emu567 profile image

It’s driving me mad - it seems to get worse when I lie down or do anything that gives me comfort

Emu567 profile image

Hi ,Just an update - the discomfort reached a peak last night. It prevented me from sleeping all night and it is almost unbearable . I feel it all over my scalp now it’s incredibly painful and uncomfortable.

I am considering going to A and E about this - I can’t sleep , revise, work or do anything with the discomfort.

I’m supposed to be moving into a new house today but I am completely exhausted both mentally and physically. The discomfort is driving me mad it’s not something I can cope or function with

Anacho profile image
Anacho in reply to Emu567

Sorry to hear that your pain is still there, Emu. Earlier I mentioned that TM only affects 1 side...but that was just my experience, I ain't a doctor/expert. Maybe all the scalp can be in pain?Also, 10 mg of amitryptilene is the minimum dose, pain relief might take up to 75mg...perhaps that is the doctor's plan? VERY important to ONLY gradually increase in 10mg increments because of the psychoactive effects, and only do it after consulting witha doctor, of course. At least it's something to discuss with your doctor.

Bevvy profile image
Bevvy in reply to Emu567

Hope you got on ok with whatever you decided to do. If you didn’t go to A&E I think you need to insist on urgent gp appointment tomorrow.

Katerina1 profile image
Katerina1 in reply to Emu567

Hello, I wondered whether you have tried a scalp calming shampoo. I have recently tried one which has helped quite a bit as I also have intense itching and burning of the scalp. I don't think I am allowed to mention the brand. I know it sounds a bit odd, but I sometimes put a gel pad on my head which has been cooled in the fridge or freezer. From looking it up, there can be many causes of this problem. I hope you find some improvement.

Emu567 profile image

Hi ,I am still taking amitryptilline, the intense discomfort is still there and now my scalp is numb . I cant feel it when someone gives me a head massage even 😭 it’s worse when I lie down .

I find it so distressing and depressing . I cant get comfortable enough to sleep or lie down because it’s so uncomfortable and distressing .

I’ve lost all feeling on both sides of my scalp - I can’t even have someone massage my head and feel better

Avenue1351 profile image

Hi there, just come across your post. I also have bad scalp pain and was wondering if you have found any answers for all this distress?

Emu567 profile image

hi just an update . The ache is still there but less bad than it used to be . I have been referred for an mri scan of my brain so hopefully that’ll find the reason for my discomfort.

Emu567 profile image

hi just an update . The achy burning soreness is still there and now it is worse on the right side of my scalp. It is painful uncomfortable and causes me depression. I cannot feel pleasure or enjoy anything because I am in too much discomfort. I’m wondering if there’s any cure for this or whether the chronic discomfort is something I will have to live with

Emu567 profile image

the itchy ache is so unbearable. I cant stand the scalp pain . I feel sore and unable to feel relaxation or pleasure

Emu567 profile image

I cant live with this . It has severely damaged my quality of life .

Emu567 profile image

it is so distracting . I cant even lie in bed and relax because of the soreness and achyness . It is constantly there and I am in constant pain . It is hell for me . I dont know how long I can carry on with it my quality of life is zero

Emu567 profile image

all I feel is this burning soreness . It feels like someone has been burning into my scalp and head and I am agitated and distressed by this . I cant cope with the discomfort

Emu567 profile image

my scalp is also quite numb and I can’t feel it when someone massages my head . I used to get relaxing tingling pleasurable sensations in my head but that has been replaced with a sore itchy burning sensation . It isn’t fair that I should have to suffer with this discomfort and have had to suffer with it all year

Emu567 profile image

the altered sensation is very distressing and uncomfortable. It’s like I cant feel any pleasure from eating , bathing massage or sex. Just an unpleasant burning achy sensation . It’s a chronic pain that I have been dealing with for over a year . It is so unfair that I have to suffer with this when I have done nothing wrong . It feels like I’m being punished

Emu567 profile image

I don’t want to be here with the pain in my scalp and head and the loss of pleasure. My life is too uncomfortable and painful for me to enjoy it . I want badly to find a cure for this . I will not be happy until the discomfort and anhedonia goes away

Emu567 profile image

hi just another update . I now have an achy pressure in my cheeks and nose . It is very uncomfortable and difficult to relax with

Emu567 profile image

I have given up ever getting better from this discomfort. I may as well drink lots of wine and die slowly as there is no cure or no relief from the discomfort

Emu567 profile image

hi I am still suffering with the burning soreness in my scalp and head . I have been prescribed pregabalin 75mg for the pain but it hasn’t done anything . I am in constant discomfort and have given up ever having a sex life as I am in too much discomfort to enjoy anything . I cant even get pleasure or comfort from lying in bed . Just this intense discomfort and it’s hurting me badly . The pleasurable tingling sensation in my head has been replaced with a burning sore altered sensation

Emu567 profile image

Hi another update . The discomfort is unbearable . I now feel it on top of my scalp , in the crown area . It is unbearable and I cannot cope with it

Emu567 profile image

the aching soreness is back with a vengeance . It is causing me depression and agitation . I don’t want to live with this . I have been drinking loads of alcohol in the Hope that it will get better but so far no results

Emu567 profile image

I’m unable to feel pleasure , instead I feel this intense achy soreness and burning in my scalp . It isn’t just an absence of pleasure it’s a discomfort . I find this too uncomfortable for me to live with and would rather drink loads of alcohol than cope with

Emu567 profile image

I just want one evening where I can feel pleasure like a normal person . I cant feel any pleasure and it’s hurting me and damaging my quality of life . My quality of life is zero , I can’t cope with it

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