I had a bad fall over a year ago and broke various bones and crushed my shoulder.
I was diagnosed with crps .
I am slowly coming to terms with my condition, just wondering if anyone knows of a help or support group
I had a bad fall over a year ago and broke various bones and crushed my shoulder.
I was diagnosed with crps .
I am slowly coming to terms with my condition, just wondering if anyone knows of a help or support group
Hi ollyplatts oh I feel your pain and I only had bursitis on my shoulder. Painmanagement might be able to help send you in the right direction. I have crps too but all the people on here have alot of knowledge on different medical issues I'm pretty sure someone can point you in the right direction take care
Hi Ollyplatts,So sorry to hear what you're going through. Ask your GP or hospital if there is a pain management clinic you can be referred to. I have been diagnosed with neurological chronic pain and fatigue and was referred. A team of a consultant, nurse, physio therapist and a pain psychologist can work with you. I have only just started this but it's starting to help. It concentrates on how to cope with chronic pain that's not going to go away. I waited 8 months as it's very popular but it's definitely worth a go. Wishing you all the best
Dr. Teitlebaum is an expert on fibromyalgia but this article on pain treatments might help.vitality101.com/health-a-z/...
Hi ollyplatts, Have you checked out the website for rsds? It has been quite helpful for me, but I am in the U.S. I have also provided a link to their youtube videos which I have also found to be quite helpful. And to help cope with the pain, you could check out the last 3 websites for courses (and books) in United Kingdom or online. rsds.org
I had CRPS for six years but it's gotten so much better over the past year, I'm fairly sure it's gone for good! I still have some pain but it's due to misalignment caused by wasted muscles and I fully expect to be pain free in a few months.
Be careful online, you can read a lot of very scary stories!
The most important thing in my view is your mental health. My anxiety and depression improved a lot due to a combination of things: mindfulness meditation, microdosing and Wim Hof Method. Feel free to DM me.
My CRPS improved spontaneously alongside my mental health, but the local pain management service was very helpful too, I'd strongly advise taking up any options you have in that area.