Hi, does anyone have a diagnosis of dysesthesia , especially triggered by the touch of clothing?
Dysesthesia : Hi, does anyone have a diagnosis... - Pain Concern

Can you explain the condition a bit more . I cannot bare the feel of nylon touching my skin.
Don't like the feel of nylon either. Never considered it maybe a medical condition.
Hi, apologies for not replying sooner. Dysesthesia is a type of chronic pain triggered by the central nervous system (CNS). Dysesthesia often involves sensations such as burning, electric shock, or a general tightening around the body. It generally occurs in the legs, feet, arms & hands, but it can affect any part of the body. Dysesthesia can be intermittent or continuous. The sensations can be mild to intense and may include, aching or throbbing, skin crawling, burning or stinging, shooting, stabbing, or tearing pain, or electric shock-like sensations. The pain & strange sensations associated with dysesthesia may be due to sensory nerve damage. The incorrect signals from your nerves can cause your brain to stimulate strange sensations. For example, you may have painful sensations in your leg even though there’s nothing wrong with your leg. It’s a communication problem between your brain & the nerves in your leg, which stimulates a pain response. And the pain is very real.(This explanation is taken from “healthline”, on the internet.)
I hope it helps. I think the pain or sensation needs to be unusual or abnormal for it to be dysesthesia. It’s the nerves working paradoxically, they they are sending a pain message message to the brain, where there is no pain.
Thank you for your reply . I certainly have had the crawling tickling sensation in my feet and definitely burning in between the toes , can be awful ,
In the same piece about dysesthesia in Healthline it says “If your dysesthesia symptoms are interfering with your life you should see your primary care physician (GP). Other causes for your pain should be ruled out. Dysesthesia doesn’t always require treatment.”